Thursday, May 14, 2020

I’m still baffled by my nails, but I think whatever it is goes beyond simply overdoing the nail polish. I hope Tom’s right since he thinks that’s all it is. The problem is I’m so addicted to nail polish that it’s hard to keep from polishing them, but I’m determined to leave them alone for the rest of the year or at least until and if they clear up. I’m wondering if it might be due to psoriatic arthritis.

I’ve got lifting in about half of my nails, some discoloration, and even a touch of sensitivity. It’s hard to describe but I guess it’s almost like the tips of the nails where they meet the nailbeds have a slight burning sensation or like the skin is too dry and tight even though I’m keeping my nails moisturized. It’s weird because the fingernail that’s the most sensitive doesn’t appear to have any discoloration or lifting. One of the sites I was investigating recommended soaking them in apple cider vinegar for 10 minutes for a few weeks. I doubt it will help but it can’t hurt to try.

They also recommend coconut oil, so I decided to use that instead of the Healthy Hoof.

At least my bottom I-tooth didn’t have any soreness when I first removed the mouthguard today as I had for a few days. I think that tooth was just trying to shift.

I also think I would like to stop having one fucking problem after another!

I’m a couple of days away from taking my meds consistently for 6 solid weeks. So I’m sure my next round of anxiety is coming soon and I’ll have to snip the ends of the pills for a couple of days. Well, hopefully, that’s all I’ll need to do it for.

Nothing like waking up to the sound of sawing. Yeah, this is the third fucking time since the sixth and it’s definitely getting old. The thing is that the bastard will quickly saw something and then jump inside his house. I don’t want to go to anyone’s door with the virus going around. He’s obviously not going to stop until someone complains and maybe not even then since many people react poorly to complaints. I can see someone doing this initially when they first move in and are getting settled but it’s been going on ever since the bastard moved in which tells me it’s just what he does. It’s probably his hobby if not part of his job. Oh, to have all-female neighbors! Yes, I’ve had some obnoxious female neighbors before but nothing like the shit I’ve gotten from guys. Them and their fucking loud-ass power toys and vehicles.

The commercial planes, on the other hand, have been a million times better. No longer do I hear dozens of them in the early morning and late at night along with a sprinkling of them in between. I’m sure they’ll drive me crazy again soon enough but I’m enjoying the break from them for now. All I hear are a few small planes and a few more helicopters and that’s pretty much it. The nights are nice and peaceful as they should be.

Took the bike out this afternoon but it was a bad time because there was too much activity getting in the way. People see me coming yet they still can’t get out of the fucking way which slows me down. Riding against the wind on a gearless cruiser is damn hard, so I hate it when they slow me down in the areas that aren’t uphill. I love coasting down Oak. There were also a couple of women hugging nearly in the middle of the road which forced me to go further toward the middle of the road to get around them and this was right at a curve where you can’t see oncoming traffic. I almost slammed into a couple of turkeys as well.

I would go at night when the traffic, people and turkeys aren’t in the way but then I run the risk of hitting a skunk darting out in front of me. It wouldn’t take much to get thrown. Just one large rock or something in the road that I didn’t see until it was too late, and I could be as good as dead if not so injured that I sure as hell wished I was. Getting thrown from a bike can be just as dangerous as a motorcycle and you don’t need to go nearly as fast. It’s still fun to go out riding whenever I get around to it. If I stick to the circle at night, I should be okay. There’s only a small section where I like to go fast, but that area is well-lit.

Tom loved the creamy cheesy scalloped potatoes I made. He said they were fantastic and it was all he could do to keep from eating the whole pot, LOL. Well, he won’t want any of tomorrow’s recipe which will be mushroom spinach tortellini.

I had a boneless skinless chicken thigh leftover from when I made the garlic chicken which I baked at 425 degrees for 40 minutes after seasoning it with garlic salt, cinnamon and paprika. Came out surprisingly well and I could see myself getting this more often.

The wool dryer balls came today and depending on how long they last, we’ll save a lot of money in the end because I’ll no longer need to get liquid fabric softener. They do a great job with static and your clothes dry a little faster.

Dixie invited me down this Saturday to make more masks with her but I’m on nights now. I wish she would just download the Walmart grocery app and get a subscription going so she doesn’t have to go out as much but I don’t think she understands how to do that. She and technology just don’t get along and she has memory issues much worse than mine. PQQ helps with Tom’s memory but I’m afraid to take things I don’t need to take. If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably have to record my doctor/dentist visits and then take notes later on, that’s how forgetful I can be these days.

I’m worried for Aly because her temperature was 99.9 which isn’t too bad but 13 hours of sleep? Hell, I can’t remember the last time I slept that long and she usually only needs 5-6. She said she was still tired afterward and had to resist the urge to sleep, not wanting to throw off her schedule. Really wish she had stayed away from Cam and that she doesn’t have the virus!

I decided to make the blog with the termites’ journal excerpts private. I’ll message them directly when I feel the time is right.

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