Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I have an hour before I have to leave for my consultation with the endodontist, so I’ll start this entry now but probably won’t post it until later on. I can then add what they say to this entry.

The lights are flickering again in parts of the house and again we don’t know why or what stopped it the last time.

Now that we’ve won the appeal, we’re waiting for the lawyer to take their cut and then send us the rest. Once we get our money, we decided to get a portable AC because I’m tired of stressing over the thought of the AC crapping out. ACs always have more problems than heaters. If we lost heat in the winter, we’ve got a small portable heater, and I could bundle up. Plus, it rarely freezes here. But we would be in trouble if the AC crapped out on us on a day like today that’s getting up to 102 degrees. Triple digits are good for a solar-heated pool but getting up to 90 is actually enough for me because then it keeps the house from getting too chilly in the early mornings. We won’t be back in the 90s for a few days, though.

So when we get our money, we’re going to get a portable AC that is also a heater for $400. It would be totally worth it to have as a backup and we could take it with us. We might actually save money with it because then we wouldn’t have to heat/cool the rooms we’re not in as often nearly as much.

I was a little surprised to feel slight cramps in my upper right tummy earlier and I really hope it’s just funky intestines and nothing involving my gallbladder and especially my liver. I definitely had plenty of fiber yesterday.

I’m both tired and nervous about this morning’s appointment since I don’t know these people and I don’t know how much pain I’m in for and how many appointments I’ll have to try to juggle around my schedule issues and all that. I just wish I could go over a year without one problem after another!

I was stressed over the house messing with my schedule that’s to be hauled out, but they already hauled out a piece of it and I didn’t even know it till I looked out the window and saw it gone.

I noticed there’s a slight discoloration that resembles a bruise at the base of my neck by the lymph node that’s been giving me problems, but I don’t know if there’s a connection or not. I’ve actually noticed this before, but the discoloration is a little more obvious now. Tom thinks it’s just a blood vessel. He has them too. Part of being older.

I’ve learned a lot over the years from Aly about different things from writing to people to life in general. In many ways, she is smarter and more mature than me even though she’s younger.

We were discussing how much lying bothers me and when she explained the reasons behind most of Kim’s lies and why she doesn’t feel it’s significant enough to throw away an otherwise long-term friendship, I could see exactly what she meant. It’s one thing to say I’m going to ghost Kim but then another when I consider the fact that the lies truly are petty and haven’t harmed me in any direct way. It’s still a bit bothersome but not the worst thing I’ve had to deal with from anyone. I realize no one’s perfect and I haven’t always been totally honest myself. I’ve come to see that if we’re looking for the perfect friend, well, they just don’t exist because no one’s perfect.

Aly isn’t always honest and open but still a great friend for many different reasons. She gets and accepts me as few others have and doesn’t judge me. She’s got a good memory, and she cares. I know nothing is guaranteed in life and that she could decide one day she no longer wants to be friends, but I hope we’ll be friends for the rest of my life.

Aly said, “If Kim ever did something to truly destroy my trust in her, I know her address, her home phone number, June’s number and address, where Kim works, where she goes to church, the business her sister owns or used to own and I’ve got plenty of ammunition to use against her to bring her down. There are a lot of things I notice and know about friends and family that I never bring up, but instead retain just in case.”

I asked her what she noticed or knows about me and while she told me of some dirt she has on a few others, she said, “But if I told you then I’d lose that power! ;) Realistically, though, you’re a very open book compared to some, so I really don’t have a whole lot of “dirt” on you compared to, say, Kim or Molly or my aunt Cathy.”

I’m definitely an open book with her. Still, it got me thinking and asking myself, what could anyone out there really use against me? When I say, “use against me,” I mean something that could bring noticeable physical, legal, or financial harm to my life. I honestly can’t think of anything because I don’t share sensitive info like credit card numbers and Social Security numbers in blogs, private or not. Plus, we always do regular checks to make sure our identities aren’t stolen and keep an eye on all bank accounts. I’m not a fugitive on the run, I’m not abusing the welfare system or the government in any way, and I’m pretty much boringly ordinary. Even if someone hacked into all my journals and stories and shared them with the world, oh well. It can be proven that it wasn’t me that shared them and even if I chose to do so right now on my own, there really isn’t anything in them that could get me in any form of legal trouble. It could embarrass and piss some people off, no doubt, but that would be the extent of it. I only choose to wait until I’m gone or close enough to it because then they literally have my entire life story and not just part of it.

Pretty sure that if anything could be done to me, the termites would have found what it was and would have gladly and happily done it. They’re very spiteful, vengeful people.

Her “dirt” is probably finding accounts of mine I don’t know she knows about. There is always a chance, I suppose, that with her hacking skills, she hacked into and read some private journals. Or maybe she knows about Tom, even though there’s nothing she could do with any info there. We’re not in Arizona. So what else could she do? Call the park or my doctors and tell them I threatened suicide or something? But that couldn’t be proven and could actually get her in a lot of trouble.

These days I prefer to simply get along with those I can get along with and avoid those I don’t. I don’t want to troll anyone needlessly or stir up any trouble, and I won’t allow myself to be baited into any shit either. No one’s worth having karma bite me on the ass unless they did something seriously detrimental to me. Nasty words and online pranks wouldn’t be enough to unleash any kind of a fight in me but unlike in the past, I would fight back if given no choice and provoked and pushed to the edge. Again, though, I really prefer to live in peace and get along with people. I can ignore those I don’t like and those that don’t like me.

Okay, I’m back from my appointment which went as well as can be expected. A white guy that’s from here (gay?) is going to do it so at least he doesn’t have any hard-to-understand accent.

Tom went into the building and located their office with me since it was a huge building and I was all wound up, but I went into the office alone. My temperature was perfect at 98.6.

I had to fill out the usual paperwork with some of the questions being COVID-related. The lady at the desk told me she and her husband had root canals done, and they’re no problem.

Then another lady took me into one of the exam rooms and put the scary blood pressure cuff on me. Those electric ones that squeeze you real hard that I hate. This is the first dentist that’s ever wanted to take my blood pressure. By the time it got too tight and I told her to remove it, it was done, and of course my BP was through the roof with my nerves.

I forgot to mention my swollen/sore lymph nodes but maybe it’s a good thing I didn’t because then they might think I’ve got the virus. My stomach pains are a little annoying. Perhaps the penicillin is responsible since it does kill good bacteria in your gut that you actually need.

So the doctor was very businesslike. Not to the point that he was cold or made me feel rushed in any way. He was just very professional and seemed confident, assuring me he does this sort of thing all day when I expressed my fears and told him of the incident with my medication and county clinic that put a complex on me.

Unfortunately, they don’t have nitrous oxide available now because of the virus and they don’t know when they’re going to have it again. Not exactly sure what the connection is but obviously there is one.

They took x-rays and confirmed it actually is the tooth in the very back. He reminded me that pulling it would still be an option and a much cheaper one even though that could call for future problems down the road should I have problems with any surrounding teeth. I would probably be able to chew okay without that tooth but he too, recommends a root canal.

He felt my gums, poked my gums, and did that pressure test. Then he used something that was really cold only this time it didn’t leave me in excruciating pain as the dentist did. He said that’s not just due to the penicillin I took but because most of the root is now dead. Then why bother removing the tooth if it’s dead? I asked him, and he said because I could still get infected. The root may be dying but the tissue surrounding it is not.

They keep the place cold as my old dentist did, so I now know to dress warmer. I don’t like the way my legs stick to the plastic on the chair anyway when I wear shorts or a dress. And yes, it will be just one more appointment, fortunately, and then I have up to 4 weeks to get into my dentist to fill the rest of it. I’m hoping she’ll do that and my cavities at the same time. If I don’t call her today, I’ll call her tomorrow to fill her in.

Anyway, the guy says that two days before the appointment, they’ll call in a bottle containing two Halcion pills. Apparently, it’s a kick-ass tranquilizer because they’re going to not only have an oxygen/HR thing on my finger in which she says not to wear nail polish, but also that scary blood pressure cuff.

The doctor said, “You won’t care what I’m doing.” I sure hope not because if I don’t care about him drilling and whatnot in my mouth, I’m not likely to care that my arm is having the shit squished out of it. I’ll just see if they can put it on the arm I didn’t break because the extra bone mass on the broken arm makes it a little more sensitive to pressure. His assistant said some people say they don’t even remember the procedure.

The entire thing, including today’s x-rays and medication and all that, is going to be $1,700. Thank God we won so much money!

Today he had to wait in the car and in the lobby, but they said he could sit in the waiting room during the procedure. I definitely won’t be able to walk out of there easily when they’re done, and he said someone would have to drive me. No problem when you don’t drive to begin with. The two things I don’t do is drive or handle our finances with my shitty math. I could barely manage a checking account and the few bills I had during the nine years I had an apartment in the late 80s and early 90s.

I’m on for June 11th at 7:30. They only do this particular procedure in the mornings. I’m to take one of the Halcion pills an hour before the appointment and bring the other pill with me in case it’s needed.

Tom told me Halcion is a sleeping pill while I was helping him with his wart. He has a huge wart on the back of his head that we’ve been treating but I can’t believe it’s going to go away on its own. We’ve got money, so I don’t know why he doesn’t get it taken care of by a doctor but then most of us hate doctors and the money isn’t going to last forever either. Probably just the rest of the year. It could last a year in a cheaper place.

I’m too tired to get into an idea he came up with for moving, and this entry is getting long enough anyway. I’ll just end it by saying we stopped for burgers and fries for the first time in a while on the way back from the dentist.

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