Friday, May 22, 2020

“They split that house,” Tom stepped outside and then stepped back inside to tell me. Sure enough, when I looked out the living room window and at the house where the guy was beating on the carport, I could see it was pulled apart a bit. He thought they pulled it apart to do some kind of repair, but I knew there was no way they would do that just to fix something. He said it would be a tremendous waste of money to replace the house when you can just get a new place somewhere. I agree. But people do stupid shit all the time.

I jumped on Facebook and messaged Mrs. Twenties and yes, they are replacing it, she confirmed. She’s also tired of the project noise and is usually tolerant of noise to begin with. They haven’t pulled it out yet. I guess they’re waiting until I’m back on nights? We were hoping at first that they would go out the back and that way they wouldn’t have to go around the corner by our place and then to the back gate, but Tom says it does look like they are going to come between us and the Twenties. He said it’s actually a triple-wide and that they’re just gonna shift the pieces over onto the carport and then pull them out onto the street from there which means it has to go by us. Really hope to hell I’m awake when they pull it out and bring the new one in! I can’t believe this shit. I just can’t. It’s like there’s no end to what people will do in this place. Everything’s about appearance and throwing money away.

There is some good news. While Dahl may make me want to beat him over the head at times with his circular saw, the Twenties lucked out with a good neighbor. Her name is Mary Ann. She’s a home health care nurse who is working from home. This is exactly why I say I want more female neighbors if not couples like the Twenties.

Dixie surprised me by informing me that someone broke into a house on Tandy while the owners weren’t home. If this is true, then wow. This is the last place you would think anyone would want to break into even when the front gate is open. You’re just so much more likely to get caught here. Stealing a bike on a corner that someone was stupid enough not to lock is one thing, but breaking into houses? Here? Guess it’s a reminder that no place is exempt from trouble.

Yesterday the planes were more annoying than they have been in a while. I think the direction of the wind might have shifted because I could hear the freeway.

I don’t know if this is real or not. It seems a little too good to be true that I could play a spin-the-wheel game and instantly be told I won a $200 discount in a smartwatch store and I don’t even have to apply the code when I check out because it will be automatically applied. Most of the smartwatches range from $220 to $225 but again, I don’t know if it’s for real. I’ll have Tom check it out with me when he gets up.

It seems that when it comes to my top two cyber friends and me, we all have our curses and our blessings. One is blessed with good health, the other peace and quiet, and I’ve got the money. But only for now. If I continue to have one problem after another as I feared I might once I beat the anxiety, and if something really is trying to trap us here, it’s going to run out fast. Really starting to suspect I may have gallstones. That cramp-like pain I get in my upper right tummy that I’ve had on and off since about 2017 seems to suggest this. I looked up everything in that area and it’s too far to the side to be the pancreas. Really doubt it’s any kind of liver-related problem or IBS, which leaves gallstones. I fit the criteria too. I’m an obese woman over 40.

Read back in my journal (again, I’m so glad I keep a journal as everyone should), and not only has Tom’s mother, sister, and Evie had gallbladder surgery, but my dad sent me a letter in 2008 saying he had his removed. It’s a common problem. It’s easy to diagnose and easy to fix which is great, but I’m tired of suffering and I definitely don’t want to waste money on health issues. But yesterday and the day before, it was more noticeable than ever. I was constipated for a couple of days, so we’ll see if no longer being stuck makes it better. I’ve only been up for 4 hours and so far, it’s ranged from non-existent to mild.

Aly will be tested for the virus today. She doesn’t think she has it.

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