Thursday, May 28, 2020

I called my dentist to schedule the follow-up filling of the crown as well as my other fillings but was told that they want to wait until they get the report from the endodontist. She said it would arrive quickly because it’s digital.

New Mexico is definitely out of the question because I didn’t realize how high it was in elevation and as I learned up in Oregon, that makes my ear worse. We looked at a topographic map and found that areas in red and orange like Oregon and New Mexico are too high. We’ve got to stay in the blue and green areas.

Didn’t feel hot yesterday at all. It’s like that one degree made a huge difference. This is the last day of the heatwave and then we’re going to drop quite a bit. They’re even saying we might get some rain Saturday which is very unusual for this time of year but probably won’t actually happen.

Tom proposed another idea. That would be to get rid of most of our stuff and buy a truck and a small trailer. Then we would drive the main highway that cuts across the country, including cutting through Nebraska, visit Aly, then drive down to Florida. It would actually be a much easier route than if we went through Arizona, New Mexico and Texas to get there (not that we’d dare go through an inch of Arizona). This way we stay on the same road and it would be a much easier drive. If we didn’t have to store a container of stuff anywhere, the truck and trailer would give us the freedom to explore more places before making any definite plans. Not saying we’re going to do this but it’s another possibility to think about.

If we don’t fly, I would definitely like this idea better than taking a train. I think this would be easier for my sleep issues. When we moved to Oregon, he had no place to go when I was sleeping so his movements would often wake me up. But if we were sleeping at different times, he could hang out in the truck more. Sleeping at the same time may be a bit of an issue with his movements and snoring, but this way we would be able to test the waters when it came to both inland and coastal areas easier. Maybe we could even find a bare piece of land somewhere that will allow us to remain in the trailer until we get a house hauled in. All I know is I’m sick of listening to people’s shit and having a daily symphony of loud traffic, power tools, landscaping, planes and projects.

He could probably tolerate Florida because he did spend six weeks of basic training in San Antonio where it’s also humid and didn’t have any problems. I’m not really expecting any myself, to be honest, but you never do know. I didn’t know Simone would trigger my asthma, after all. If Florida doesn’t work out, there are dry places in Texas at lower elevations.

Haven’t done much public writing lately. It just doesn’t excite me much anymore to share with just anyone and everyone.

The money arrived yesterday and I’m going to treat myself to that antifungal base coat and polish and then we’re still gonna save, save and save all we can. Never know how long the money will last. They’re out of berry-colored nail polish so I’m getting light turquoise.

Anyway, working hard today! Lots of cleaning that I’ve neglected and doing some laundry. Cooking some chicken thighs with broccoli too.

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