Sunday, May 10, 2020

Right now I’m multitasking between listening to my audiobook, watching a movie, and now writing.

Oh, I’m sure I should add worrying as well. Will the weeks turn into months and then into years like when the economy collapsed? I’m guessing no and that they’ll have a vaccine by then. I sure hope so! At least this time we’ll have some money even if it may not be enough. They could take away our unemployment as they did in 2011, but they can’t take our retirement.

Yesterday was annoying with not one but two people using circular saws somewhere in the park. I don’t know if Dahl simply moved out of view after he’d saw something or if it was coming from the house behind him but I still can’t believe how much I hear this shit here. Never lived anywhere like it before in my life. I realize that even if we could afford to go where my parents lived, things have changed. Things aren’t what they were in the 80s. People weren’t project-crazy (unless it was absolutely necessary) and coming and going with loud vehicles, including motorcycles back then. But I would be willing to bet just about anything that they are now. Still think we could get a place quieter than this if we went to another park but I also don’t know that I want to bother with communities ever again. Where there are people there’s always noise and I’ve always had a problem in just about every community I’ve ever lived in, adult or not. People just can’t shut up, so there is always going to be some degree of annoyance. If I don’t have the college kids and the welfare bums driving me crazy with their mutts and music, it will be the older folks doing regular projects. Even if the residents were dead quiet, these parks are obsessed with appearance and upgrading this and that, so the park itself is just as annoying. I would still hear things in a rural setting but at least those things wouldn’t be as close or as often. Because it’s Mother’s Day, I’m hoping no one will pull anything today. So far so good.

The meal I made in what I’m pretty sure is just a 2.5-quart cooker from who knows how many decades ago came out well but I’m not sure I’d make it again. The chicken and broccoli were great but the potatoes were kind of bland. At least he likes the potatoes and even ate some of the chicken too.

Going to be making a 25-degree drop over the next few days but it doesn’t look like it’s going to rain after all.

Not a single comment on The Landlord. Figured as much but that’s okay.

The term “social distancing” is kind of funny because if you’re distancing yourself then you’re not social, LOL.

“Just saying” and “I’m just telling you” really annoys me. I mean, no shit you’re just saying or just telling. Do these people think those they’re talking to are deaf or something?

Yesterday I was starting to think my tooth wasn’t going to get any better than it had gotten and I was even in pain after eating. Maybe that’s because I ate so damn much because I went hungry most of the day and was absolutely starving. Had to take ibuprofen too, but today I’ve noticed that while I wouldn’t want to eat anything hard or crunchy on that side, I didn’t feel as much irritation when I ate and then brushed my teeth.

I want so badly to send the termites my final piece of mind which are the journal excerpts I have on Blogger so I can delete them (assuming they haven’t seen them), but it’s too soon. I told myself not to be afraid of them. After all, they weren’t afraid to bully, stalk, harass and even threaten me. But I am afraid of them, not because I fear they could get me in any kind of trouble and not because of what they may find a way to say to me directly but because I wouldn’t want Tom finding out about it due to something they either end up sending to the house or because they managed to find a way to contact him online. I knew they weren’t very bright but I didn’t think they were dumb enough not to know how to find our address. But they could figure it out if someone didn’t tell them.

I just know how paranoid Tom can get. As for me, I learned the hard way that people only have power over us if we let them have it. So I wouldn’t be worried about anything they may do on account of me sending a link or the actual excerpts but I think he might worry a bit. I think he would be paranoid that I went too far and crossed some kind of line that could get me in trouble. In reality, though, I would never send anything even remotely illegal. Those threatening voice messages, however, were really pushing it. I would be genuinely worried if I’d been dumb enough to say anything like that, especially with my voice, but they knew damn well I wasn’t going to involve the police so I think that’s part of why they said what they said along with sheer stupidity. But yes, I could have hung them by the balls with their threats. Oh, they wouldn’t have done a moment of jail time, of course, or even gone to court or paid any fines or have to do probation, but it might have earned them a serious warning. The cops would have gone to their place and lectured them like the cop that came to me when Tammy defended her abuser about my threatening voice messages to him. Well, that’s all that would have happened to me had there not been an unknown warrant out on me.

The termites will hear from me one last time a year after we’ve moved and nothing can be forwarded to us. If I keep it out of public, they shouldn’t have any reason to know when we move. As far as they know, we weren’t supposed to move for another 4 years, if they can remember that. Once we get settled wherever we’re going and I know it’s permanent, then I’ll be willing to be a little more open about my life in public since we wouldn’t have to worry about potential sellers, park managers or employers. I would still be careful about sensitive info, of course, and sharing things pertaining to those I’m close to.

Ran out to Rite Aid and decided to take a chance going maskless when I had issues adjusting the mask. Oh, to have two normal ears! What annoyed me a little was the way one of the guys at the register was distracted by chatting with a coworker. I had to remind him that we wanted to leave as fast as possible. Got some mini chocolate chip cookies and merlot. I suppose we shouldn’t spend extra money unnecessarily but sometimes you just gotta have a life and treat yourself. The store was kind of crowded and I was surprised to see two or three people that work there regularly unmasked. Running in and out quickly is one thing but spending all day there? I’d say about half of the customers had masks on.

I’m a hell of a lot more worried for Aly than I am for myself even though we have a higher chance of getting sick and dying than we do of losing this place. She was the one who picked up Cam from the hospital. I was really hoping that Cam would insist she stay away and get a taxi, Lyft or Uber instead. She did wear a mask and gloves but I’m still worried because of how easily she gets sick. Cam has a brother in Colorado who’s also sick and might not make it.

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