Tuesday, March 2, 2021

He and I were discussing the differences between a place in an adult community versus not in one. The adult community would be more expensive and come with more rules and restrictions. But it would also mean we wouldn’t have to maintain our own pool and we would be a little safer too. No risk of getting next to a pack of welfare bums of color that could happily race card me into a world of hell if I dared complain about their loud, obnoxious screaming kids, barking dogs, and wild parties at any given hour of the night and day, which would include the ungodly thumping of bass from the regular slew of vehicles coming and going. Can’t believe Florida would be any different than the West. In other words, they would be the ones to be believed.

So the biggest risk of going outside a park would be not knowing what we may end up next to. But it would certainly be cheaper, and we would have more freedom in some ways. It’s all going to come down to what we find within our price range when we go hunting for a place in person. We’re still going to enlist the help of a realtor who knows the areas we’ll be looking in.

If there really has been a noise curse on me all these years, the smart thing to do would be to not bother considering noise when looking for places. I mean, I wouldn’t want to get a place that was obviously noisy like right by a school, train track, or an airport, but life is noisy these days no matter where you go, cursed or not.

Tried to adjust my dentist appointment but they don’t have anything else anytime soon, so I left it as is.

Went back on statins last night and so far, so good. The only problem I might be having with them is the foot cramps I sometimes get. I’m not sure if they’re responsible for them or not since I have been making a point of getting extra magnesium and potassium. I did read that they can cause them, though.

A guy who takes magnesium before bed along with other vitamins says he’s never noticed any correlation with magnesium reducing anxiety. Yeah, but we’re talking menopause anxiety in my case. It’s either tied to that or the thyroid medication. I still can’t believe it’s simply due to what’s going on in my life. I mean, I’ve been calm for days now, yet we’re still moving. So it’s hard for me to believe that most of the anxiety I went through for over three weeks was due to the upcoming move. I still expect the anxiety to return at some point. It always does. I can’t even go a month without feeling some trace of it. I’ve been keeping track for quite a while now. But if the magnesium can help keep it from getting worse, then great! I’ll know by March. If I can’t make it to March without feeling anxious, then it’s not helping and the calmness I’ve been experiencing the last week is purely a coincidence.

I’m changing my eating habits to two large meals a day with fruit for a snack in between. Going to take a few days to get used to. I won’t lose weight, of course, but it’s always been a good way to keep from gaining.

Also, he’s not quite 100 pounds overweight but more like 80. That’s still a lot of weight but he’s not as overweight as I thought thanks to my shitty counting. He thinks he should be 175 which makes sense for a guy who’s 5’ 10”. He’s about 260 but just like most older people, he can only lose so much and it’s a bitch to keep off. This is precisely why I settled for maintaining rather than trying to lose. But I think it will be better for me to adopt these eating habits for other things besides weight control. I think it will be better for my blood pressure and cholesterol and all that. Just going to take some getting used to. The hungrier I get, the harder it is to get rid of, but I guess it’s that way for most of us. Just like the worse a headache gets, the harder it is to get rid of. I didn’t eat for the first 4 hours of my day today, so I was famished by the time I did eat. Yet even after sauteed mushrooms and onions with 4 chicken wings, I was still a bit hungry, but I had to be in order to start myself on this plan. I’m determined to stick with my two-meal/one-snack plan, too. Guzzling lots of water helps keep my tummy a bit fuller, too.

In another 4 hours, I’ll have a banana and an avocado and then before bed, I’ll have salmon, Jasmine rice, and veggies.

He’s been having a tough time getting some of the adhesive off the laundry room floor and of course he doesn’t want to do anything that might damage it. It’s a pressure-sensitive adhesive, so the high-traffic areas are really tough. He ordered a razor on a long stick from Amazon that will hopefully help, along with incense in 18 surprise fragrances for me.

Incense, essential oils, perfume… I just can’t do without my smells. And I love all kinds from fruity to sweet to earthy to flowers. Someday after we’re settled, since we don’t want to move more liquids than necessary, I want to try Jovan Black Musk for women. Their regular Musk is a favorite of mine.

Yesterday, I tackled the master bathroom. Couldn’t get it perfect but I made it better. It’s just that everything is so old in there. I don’t know if these are the original countertops, but the floors of the shower and tub are discolored in ways I don’t think any cleaning agent could fix. I think they simply need to be replaced. So glad he got that steamer, though! It really does help make a big difference with many things. It’s what we’ll use to clean our joke of a “self-cleaning” oven that’s caked with grease.

Just when I was thinking Andy may have ghosted me and changed his mind about reconnecting with me, he said he got all my messages and has just been busy but will get back to me as soon as he can.

No problem, as I told him.

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