Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Here we go with the sleeping in chunks again. Slept for a few hours and was up for a few hours before I got a few more hours of sleep which barely totaled 6 hours. It took me a while to decide whether or not I wanted to take a chance of going to the doctor after being up forever after just a few hours of sleep or to take the Benadryl and know I would be groggy when I woke up but at least I would have gotten more sleep. So I took Benadryl. I was so exhausted when I got up that I ended up napping for almost two hours after I ate, showered, and did my nails.

I just can’t perk up later in my day after sleeping shitty like I could in my younger days. The only thing that can refresh me is whenever the hell I can manage to get decent sleep and sleep straight through without doing much more than having to get up to pee and being able to fall back asleep afterward.

I hope the guy who came to our door yesterday without a mask to return mail to us that was accidentally placed in his box wasn’t a “carnivore.” I don’t know exactly who it was because I just wanted to take the mail, thank him, and be done with it, but I suspect it might have been the saw cock. He did head off in that direction, but I couldn’t tell exactly where he headed once he rounded the hedges in front. The guy was skinny, and Tom describes him as a “little old man.”

The SPCA got back to us and the pigs will be surrendered Friday morning. Again, I’ve got mixed emotions about that. I’ll miss their chatter and cuteness but I’m otherwise sick of them. Too smelly, too messy, too costly. Hopefully, they’ll get a wonderful new home not that they didn’t live like kings here. We definitely spoiled these guys so I’m a little worried they won’t have the luxuries they’re used to, but I know animals do adapt a hell of a lot better than people do. We humans whine and complain and are dragged through most change kicking and screaming but animals tend to just roll with the flow.

For just a few bucks we ordered some pink cosmos seeds. I’ve always loved those along with tulips, gerberas, and others. Don’t know if we’ll still be here when they bloom since it can take a few months, but for the most part, we’re just curious to see what may happen here. If we can grow them easily enough here, we can certainly grow them in Florida. I like the idea of growing flowers and veggies there but then that would just be more work for us to have to maintain so we’ll see.

My day started off borderline anxious but ended on a much calmer note so that much is good. I still can’t say if the two days I skipped my meds have anything to do with it because I did a double skip before that didn’t do me any good. These days I’m leaning toward thinking no, the med isn’t responsible for the adrenaline that stabs me in the chest in waves. The initial booming heart and shit like that, yes, but not what I’ve been going through the last half a decade with the butterflies in my chest kind of feeling.

Seeing my ENT in a few hours.

Kim was kicked out of prison yesterday after a 3.5-year stint. Let’s see if she can make it a year before she’s back in custody. I really think she actually likes being incarcerated.

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