Friday, April 14, 2023

I'm still in a lot of pain, although my breathing is still back to normal. I had to remind Jessie that I had the surgery. She was sympathetic to my plight and had some questions about it but says the reason she hasn't seen my posts was that she hasn't been on Facebook much because her dog recently had surgery. Yeah, whatever. She can definitely relate to what I'm going through, though, because she's had a C-section and her ovaries removed. So she knows what it's like to have her guts cut up.

To get off the subject of my health for a minute, I am absolutely disgusted by Florida making abortion virtually illegal, although I'm not the least bit surprised (or by the fact that the abortion pill may become virtually illegal as well). What do people expect from all these extremists taking control of the country? And when the hell are they going to fight back? I mean really fight back. Not just scream in the streets. Like it or not, sometimes two wrongs really do make a right. Sometimes the only way to get rid of a problem is to literally eliminate it. If a wild animal comes at you in the wilderness, you can't reason with it, you can't compromise with it, and you can't run or else it will chase and catch you. You can only eradicate it. I truly believe that sometimes it's like that with evil people.

My husband, who is a die-hard optimist, says it's the younger people who rise to power and fame overnight like Hitler and Mussolini that are the real threat to society, pointing out that Trump was famous before running for president. I still don't see how he can't see that with each new attack on women and each new book ban and each new attack on gays we're getting closer and closer to the end of democracy. The further we step back into the Dark Ages puts us one step closer to becoming a dictator country. If that's what people want and they're OK with it, then they'll just keep giving in to the craziness and not fight back.

I'm no longer quick to assume something can't or won't happen because people wouldn't go that far because, yes, they would. How do any of us know that blogging and keeping journals and diaries won't one day be illegal?

Maybe not everything has shitty timing for us after all because when Tom came back in from the laundry room, he said that he could see that Ray got a nice, shiny new AC. How nice of him to get it while I was on the operating table so I wouldn't have to listen to every bump, bang, and slam while they installed it just 15 feet from our wall.

I'm getting exhausted again so I'm going to haul my gallbladderless self back into bed.

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