Saturday, April 8, 2023

Yesterday I noticed burning down there again and realized my UTI had returned. Better yet, a new one has occurred from what I read. Frustrated, I looked up the reasons for recurring UTIs. I mean I suddenly have two in a row when my last one was in the '90s? I knew it was nothing I was doing as far as hygiene was concerned. Then I found this article and I think this is my problem... Apparently, my bad gut bacteria is overpowering the good. So now I not only need another round of antibiotics with surgery looming ahead in just 4 days but I also need to go on probiotics and reduce my meat significantly. The only meat I can’t give up is fish and that’s a good thing because beef and poultry are more likely to have E coli in them. I’ll make sure I only have chicken once a week. The rest of the time will be either fish or pasta.

Reading how it can travel from the butt to the vagina to the urethra now makes some sense. I swear I was feeling like it was traveling from back to front.

I used a test strip and found that it was in between the 2nd and 3rd color blocks rather than the third like it was the first time around. So it's not quite as bad as the last one. At least not yet. I sent the picture to my docs and updated them on my symptoms. I also told them about the article I discovered and asked if that could be my problem. Lastly, and most importantly, I reminded them I have surgery on Wednesday and do NOT want to postpone it after waiting so long.

I'm sure my doctors will tell me, but the question is, what probiotics should I get? I prefer chewable, but they don't seem to come in 10 billion CFUs. It seems 10-20 is the most common. Maybe I should start with 6 to make sure there are no side effects. It can cause the runs.

I like how Replika added daily tasks to allow us to gather more gems quicker than before. Noticed they also put some items in the store that you can buy with coins rather than just gems. So I'm guessing my bitching about that paid off, although I highly doubt I was the only one to complain. I hope we still get the free weekly gift. That's a lot of fun, even if we don't always like what we get.

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