Sunday, July 4, 1999

I don’t have bad vibes concerning next door, but my logic says there’ll be enough of a party to have me very annoyed. It may not be like their housewarming party was, but bad enough still.

Let me get into other things before I bitch about how much I’m not looking forward to dealing with antics from next door.

We got new renters across the way here. I’ve seen a red car, a blue car, a truck, and a van. All vehicles were in so-so condition from what I could see. Nothing too nice and new, but no old junkers, either. What I saw was enough to tell me that they’re duplicates of the other renters. They’re no doubt young, the type to party, have a lot of company, play loud music, etc. They even have a dog. Or so I thought. Yesterday I saw a large dog, possibly a Dalmatian, at the chain-link fence at the side of their house, but neither of us has seen or heard it since. This tells me that it probably belonged to one of the people helping them move in. They’ve been quiet so far, but they just moved in. Neighbors are always quiet the first week or so. At least this housewarming party will be across the street, although I don’t know that they’ll have one. I’ve noticed that it’s only the subsidized scum that has housewarming parties, but if I was too lazy to work, didn’t mind noise and city living, and if I could swipe a free house and much more from the taxpayers, I’d probably be in the mood to throw a party myself.

Tom’s doing some back room packing right now. He got a new sprayer to make the painting less messy, cuz he was getting paint in his ears, his nose, and everywhere (I took a picture of him with paint all over his face). All that’s left to paint is the bedroom ceiling, the bathroom, the utility area, and half of the back room. He also still has to do the outside trim and put that kick-ass primer on any wall art that’s still showing through.

Woke up from quite a wild dream. I guess I was back east since the houses seemed old and huge. Me and some guy broke into a house we thought was empty. As we were on our way out, a car pulled up. As we hid in a huge box at the very front of the house on the porch, I told him we’d run for it as soon as the person was deeper into the house. A woman came in and passed the room we were in. As soon as she did, we booked outside for the car we came in. I flew down the stairs which seemed to go on forever, then I threw myself into the passenger seat of the car. The guy was behind me and he didn’t quite make it. Something like 3 people came out of the house, beat him up, and threw him in the backseat of the car. I was terrified they were gonna get me next. The guy was still conscious enough to give me the keys, and I scooted over behind the wheel, threw the key in the ignition, and zoomed away. I drove nervously for what seemed to be quite a while. I was trying to pick a good spot to pull over and so we could catch our breath when I woke up.

I’m stunned not to have heard from Andy yet, but the weekend’s not over yet. If I don’t get those pants by Tuesday, then I’ll be seriously wondering if he’s not just playing games with me. Anything to butt into my weekends! This is something he may do too, if he suspects I’m gonna dump him. He’d either do things to get all the attention he could knowing our friendship was nearing its end, or he’d back off and hope I’d keep him in my life, feeling that he wasn’t such a pest after all.

I saw The Gallery of Dolls the other night. They had some baby dolls that were more realistic than Bailey, but they were vinyl. I was shocked, though, to see them have anything so real-looking and for only $30. They had a couple of dolls in beautiful pink dresses with pretty pink flowers, but they had boring faces and hair. They had one doll doing a handstand. That’s different. When are they gonna have a doll with braces? That’d be unique, too. During the doll show, I saw a commercial for a doll show I’ve never seen before that’s to be on Tuesday and I can’t wait! They showed a gorgeous Indian doll. She may be too small and too expensive, though. I’m hoping there’ll be at least $1,000 for us each when we move to blow on whatever we want. My current plan is to get the doll kit with any birthday/Christmas money, and to get two Indian dolls from the Ashton-Drake catalog I like, a tall doll from the home shopping channel, a real-looking doll from the mall, and maybe that Indian doll I saw that’s to be on Tuesday’s show.

Ashton-Drake sent me their latest catalog yesterday. They now have a Rapunzel bride. Her hair was in a long braid to her feet. She was nice, but I could make my own variety of Rapunzel dolls all with the Rapunzel doll I’ve already got if I wanted to.

A silver pickup stood overnight parked on the street in front of next door Friday night. I thought, here we go again. Back to the company scene. However, it was broken down. Early yesterday morning, a blue car came and gave it a jump, then both cars left. I was surprised. Usually, they come and go a dozen times before leaving for good. This was all I saw in the way of vehicles and people (except for the van) till the rental truck pulled in. From what we could see, they’re renting a kick-ass stereo like mine. Great. Just what I need. Tom said that as he was coming in yesterday, he heard soft music coming from the house. So soft, it couldn’t be heard in here. That’s all gonna change now if I’m wrong about my city threats scaring them. Well, like I said, this weekend should either disprove my theory about my making them nervous about making noise or prove it all the more.

These people are unfuckingbelievable, though! They don’t work, yet they can afford a van, they can afford to rent a stereo, they can afford the many kids they never should’ve had, they get a free house, and they don’t have to lift a finger to do one day’s worth of work. Unfuckingbelievable!

I decided that seeing this was the final straw to having my stereo in the music room. Without the sound blockers in there, I just felt too vulnerable in there. Like my presence in there would enhance the chances of any antics from over there. So, I moved my stereo into the bedroom where the sound blocks are. I’ve noticed that the less I’m in the music room, the less noise I get from over there. It’s almost like something up there knows when I’m in there and I just never felt comfortable in there. So, from here on out, I’ll hardly ever go in there.

At first I tried to tell myself not to worry since my stereo can’t be heard over there, and we’ve got single-paned windows, but you see, I don’t leave the windows open. They do.

It’s great having both speakers hooked up again, but nonetheless, if I’m gonna be forced to listen to music, it’s gonna be my own. I’m also gonna try to take whatever God dishes out to me while I’m still here, cuz you know what I believe. Crazy or not, I can’t help what I believe, and that’s that if I fight what God has in store for me, I have to pay for it. Even though I think my threats and our talk next door were a good thing, and I had a good vibe over it, I was depressed for 3 days after our little chat. Gee, I wonder why! You can’t fight God and win and you can’t fight God and get away with it. So, unless it’s really, really bad, or waking me up, I’m just gonna take what I get while I’m still here. In just a few more months, my days of having to set up my own home according to how others live will be over!


Fuck! Next door’s gearing up for a barbecue and there is a dog across the way that’s barking its ass off. Well, that’s what the sound machine is for. Anything’s better than bass. The blue/green pickup showed up at 5:00. It just pulled out and parked on the street to let the van out, then a guy got out of the pickup carrying a fuel tank for the grill. Great. Just great. And I know damn well that one vehicle for company won’t be all. It’s not enough for these people. When these people party, they party. There’ll be a dozen more vehicles to come and God knows how much music. See what I mean, though? They all have to come here. Why can’t these people go somewhere else for a change? Don’t they know anyone else with a house?

Tom said he heard music on and off from where he was sitting at the computer, but he said you could hardly hear it and that he couldn’t be sure it was coming from next door. Well, we’ll be hearing plenty of music from over there. Just give it time. The next 6-7 hours are going to be anything but peaceful.

Tom said that they’d probably start with the company and all that at 2:00, but I figured they’d wait till sundown. They’re night and day people, but they do prefer nights from what I’ve seen. Nonetheless, some partying is acceptable. It is a holiday, they are quiet most of the time, and we shouldn’t be here too many more months, but of course, I said that last January and we’re still here, so who knows. We may be celebrating my birthday here! Tom, though, says no way will I turn 34 here and that everything is going pretty much as planned. He said he always felt we wouldn’t be out of here till July or August. I don’t sense us moving in August. Right now, logic and vibes tell me September or October is more likely.

On Tuesday, we might go talk to the people at Palm Harbor to see if they can tell us what we qualify for, etc.

Tom was online checking what houses on this street and its surrounding streets have sold for lately, and we were astonished to learn that a house up on W. Weldon sold for $107,000! It must be bigger than your average house around here, although around here, they all look the same. Little squares. Maybe, it had 2 baths and a pool and was remodeled. It had to have something extraordinary about it for it to sell at that price. Your average house in Phoenix sells at $80,000.


The van’s still out and the pickup’s the only vehicle here still. It’s early, though. It’s only just after 7:00 and the sun’s still up. They don’t peak till around 10:00 over there.

I was wrong. I just quickly ran and checked and the van is here. Deep in the carport. Makes sense. Gotta make room for all those vehicles to come.

Yesterday was a depressing day. I was balling my eyes out for a minute there cuz it looked like Mickey was dying. We both thought he was on his way out. He was belly up, appearing to have a hard time breathing. However, after a few hours, he was his usual self, but he still doesn’t look healthy. He never did. We’re both surprised he made it this long and don’t expect him to hold out much longer. Well, I’ll enjoy whatever time he has left.

Neither of us has seen Shiny for a few days. The last time I saw him he was in one of his many fights with his daddy whom I chased off. Shiny wouldn’t wander off this long on his own will. I fear that someone’s got him inside their house where he can’t get out (if this is so, I hope they’re good to him), or he was killed. I can’t say I’ll miss skinny whiny Shiny all that much, but I feel bad for Tom. That was Tom’s cat. He loved that cat like I love Ratsy and Mickey.


Next door’s barbecue smells wonderful. I’m surprised they’re eating before all their guests arrive, though. Well, it is kind of late for dinner, and also, I’m sure it’s an eat-as-you-arrive sort of deal. I was also surprised at how quiet the voices were over there. I heard a few scattered soft adult voices. No kids.

The pickup just left, but it’ll be right back. It’s obvious they’re dealers.

I hope to see some pretty fireworks going off in the neighborhood tonight. With my luck, next door will shoot firecrackers at the house.

The pickup’s back. See, what did I tell you? Do I know these people now, or what? Two guys came back, empty-handed, after only being out for 3 minutes. That spells drug run to me. Well, it’s their lives and their bodies. I just feel bad for those kids. I mean, I know they’re gonna grow up to be waste products, using the taxpayers’ money to sit on their ass so they can watch TV and do drugs all day and all night. It doesn’t take my being psychic to know that.


I just got a better look at the dog across the street. It is a Dalmatian and it’s yipping its ass off. But why didn’t I hear it till now? I know the thing’s gotta have been outdoors ever since it got here. Most dog owners don’t allow their dogs indoors. If this dog’s my compensation for the lack of the white car and ranchero banging it (not that they might not do that any sec now), I’ll take it. If this is what I get for rebelling against what God “ordered” for me and for going over there and bitching them out, fine. I’ll gladly take a dog that’s across the street and not 3 feet away over bass any day.

Just saw a little boy dart out onto the driveway. So, they’ve unleashed the kids for the night, huh? I’ve got the fans on, so I can’t hear dogs, voices, or screaming, but I can hear if anyone bases in.


Next door’s now out of sound, but not out of sight. I threw on my cordless headphones for my temper’s sake. No, they’re not doing anything too unacceptable or that calls for the letter to the city to be mailed out, but I don’t want to hear all the unruly little animals screaming, zipping up and down the length of our house. They’re screaming bloody murder, and of course, everyone else around here is acting like normal, civilized people. Only the Mexicans and blacks that have to be next to me, are into the melodramatics. There’s not one light on over there, either. See? They prefer to party at night, in the dark.

To my utter astonishment, the pickup’s still the only vehicle there still. I did hear some music, but so far, and I repeat, so far, it’s been at a reasonable volume. The sun’s just about totally set, and as it nears 10:00 and is dark for a while, this increases the chances of them going over the line and becoming totally unacceptable, which also ups the chance of me going off on them. So, to keep my temper in check, I’ve got the headphones blaring in my ears now. Tom, who’s asleep now and asked me to wake him up later, told me to wake him up if there’s a problem.

For now, I’m gonna assume that after tonight, they’ll go back to being quiet like they usually are and that tonight’s only cuz it’s the 4th. God, just please let us out of here before Labor Day! I don’t know about that, though. Still, what are these clowns doing celebrating this country’s birthday? Why don’t they go down to Mexico and celebrate birthdays there where they belong? That’s their country.


Every so often I go into the music room and listen for a sec. It’s my curious nature, I guess, to want to hear what they’re up to at the same time I don’t want to know they exist. Still no other cars, and there weren’t any voices or music just now when I checked.

I won’t wake Tom up for the fun we agreed to have till around midnight, give or take an hour or two, cuz they probably won’t be settling down till then. Just because I didn’t hear anything during the few seconds I just checked, doesn’t mean there won’t be bouts of noise. However, if I’m right about my making them nervous about going to the city if they don’t shut up, especially if they do want to stay there and they do have people living there that aren’t supposed to be there, tonight shouldn’t get out of hand like the housewarming party did, and it shouldn’t go on all night, either.


Now that was weird. I just went out back to hear what I could hear in the way of people or firecrackers, but it was dead quiet. Dead quiet! No voices, no dogs, no firecrackers. All I heard was the train and a whir of ACs. I guess the firecrackers won’t be till between 9:00-9:30 anyway. I’ll de-headphone and go out just after 9:00.

Black Dots across the street quit going off (I don’t sense he’ll be a problem. Not like the collies are). And there’s still just the pickup over there. If the ranchero and the white car are gonna show up tonight, though, they won’t be here till between 10:00-11:00.

So far, my not having bad vibes makes sense, and I was right about them not coming alive till after dark.


Saw some pretty, colorful fireworks off in the distance. I tried taking pictures, but they didn’t come out.

The pickup left at 9:00 and there have been no other vehicles since. I don’t sense the white car or the ranchero, but if they’re coming tonight, they’ll be here soon.

I was amazed at how quiet it was out there when I was watching the fireworks. Not even the collies were going off, but I could hear dogs and voices in the distance (I still have the headphones on in here, though, cuz I feel more comfortable with them). Just a few scattered faint adult voices would come from next door while I was out there. No music. No firecrackers. I could be wrong, but I really believe tonight was as mellow as it was compared to the housewarming party because of our talk. I really think there’d have been much more in the way of music tonight if we hadn’t talked and that they’d be outside yelling all night long. If this is the case, I really appreciate them for caring enough to simmer down. Most people just don’t give a shit. Again, it may not be cuz they care, but cuz of the house. Well, whatever it takes. If that’s it - great.

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