Wednesday, July 28, 1999

Now who the hell was that? The cream pickup just pulled up with its squeaky brakes and out came two big bazookas. One of them may’ve been Deb, and the other, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before. Fanny and Deb look white but this blimp was definitely a Mexican and was carrying a baby. Again, how many adults and kids live in that little shithole?

So, we left off with there being the cream pickup, the tan pickup, the silver car, and the van, huh? Well, at 7:30 the dark red car reappeared (I knew it would) and stayed put till around 11:00. The tan pickup didn’t leave till after 1 AM. When I got up at 7:30 this morning, I saw the van, silver car, and cream pickup parked out front.

I can’t wait to get away from these freeloaders! Meanwhile, they better keep their fucking music out of this house!

So what was going on yesterday? Were we just being typical lazy freeloaders who always have to come here for a gathering? Or was Chester having a birthday or something like that? And how many carloads of company will they have today?

Typical Andy and his not listening. I told him in my message to him yesterday that we haven’t found the land yet, yet what does he do? Asks if we found the land yet. Anyway, I told him more about the house and that there could be a potential pitfall. There’s a chance we won’t get approved for the loan on this house, and if we don’t, we’ll have to go somewhere else. This could either speed up or delay the move. There’s no way of knowing for sure. I sure hope we get this house, but if we don’t, it won’t be the first time I didn’t get something I wanted.

I forgot to mention yesterday how long this house is looking at it from the outside as well as the inside. As we stood at the front door, the master bedroom and bath were to our right, but when we looked towards the left where the spare bedrooms and bath were, it was like an endless wall! The house is so long. When I was inside standing just outside the master bedroom looking down towards the den through the dining area and the kitchen, it seemed miles away!

Also, she made a mistake in our favor that she said she’ll live with. She told us the glamour bath I want for the master bath was $750, but it’s really $1,050.

The ride back wasn’t quite as bad as the ride up at first cuz the sun was behind clouds. When we got home, though, my face was totally heat-flushed. It looked sunburned. I was sweating my ass off and threw myself into a cool shower.


The doorbell just rang and a guy from the city said he picked up the garbage around the dumpster that “this address” complained about by way of email. I told him I didn’t know anything about it and that if my husband had complained, he’d have told me. He gave me ‘no dumping’ stickers to put up anyway. I asked him if he knew what the story with next door was and he said he didn’t know any of the homes were owned by the city, he just deals with garbage.

So I take it someone complained and used our address? My first guess as to who would do that would be the collie people. My second guess would be that older woman, Gloria, who lives behind us. The freeloaders are last on my guess list to complain about trash cuz they are trash themselves so it’s all the same to them. They’re notorious for being filthy and for living amongst piles of trash. In fact, the trash that's been thrown out there is their trash.


I’m in tears now. I just discovered Mickey dead.

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