Saturday, July 17, 1999

The van hasn’t been next door since I got up at 8:30. That’s at least 4 hours that it’s been out! It’s never been out that long before, has it? Hmm… Could this be the result of a certain letter? Somehow I doubt it, but it’s too soon to tell. I mean, I just don’t know anymore if that van was supposed to be there or not. If they truly are married, then I’d think he would be allowed to be there. I don’t know about Fanny, though. Well, the weekend should tell me more about what’s going on and if there have been any changes or not. Changes such as music coming from that house. I knew that stereo would be a problem. I told Tom that it would be as soon as he saw it and told me about it.

Tom says that where we’re moving to, people really want to avoid their neighbors and just like me, they want peace and quiet. Therefore, this is why they aren’t going to make a scene and be heard with stereos. I hope he’s right! They sure are desperate for attention here in the city, though. Everyone wants to be heard and noticed.


Tom just got up and is going to get us some fast food. On the weekends, I sometimes pig out on fast food.

Tom said the van wasn’t next door when he was up, either. He says all he saw was a white pickup over there. Didn’t the city have a plain, unmarked white pickup? I think they had a plain, unmarked white car, too. Anyway, if I’m right about the van not being there cuz it wasn’t supposed to be, although it’s premature to assume so, then that proves Tom wrong about two things in a good way. For the van to suddenly disappear after my letter went out just two days ago, proves I was right about being the only one to complain, cuz if the van disappearing was cuz of my letter, why mine and not anyone else that may have complained before me? See, I don’t think anyone else complained. Remember, this is Arizona. You don’t complain out here. Not unless you’re from the East. Also, it proves Tom wrong about a city complaint stirring them up even more. As soon as I saw that my threats quieted them down, I knew no city complaint would make them act “blatantly illegal.” They do mind getting evicted, fortunately, and I’m very glad Tom seems to be wrong so far.

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