Tuesday, July 20, 1999

Reporting in with 13.5 fewer inches of hair! Yeah, I finally got sick of being bogged down with it and cut it from the crease between my ass and thighs up to my middle back. I was just so tired of sitting on it, kneeling on it, leaning on it, getting it caught in food and things, and having it be a bitch to deal with. It’d take me forever to braid/unbraid it, to brush out its knots, and it was a bitch to sleep with. I couldn’t wear it in a high ponytail or a bun cuz it was too heavy, and it was too long for me to handle getting the damn thing into a French braid. It’d take nearly an hour to dry after washing it.

Now, though, it’s still long and feminine and I can do so much more with it. I can braid it without having to pull the braid in front of me, I can get it into the perfect bun, it takes no time to wash, dry and brush, and it looks so much healthier. I pulled it to the sides and put rubber bands in just below where I intended to cut it, and then I cut the two sides just above the rubber band. I cut approximately half its length off, and believe me when I say I’m going to take care of it this time! No killing it with straightening irons! That way, if I want to grow it back, it won’t be as shabby or as uneven, hopefully. As long as I don’t get trim-happy along the way, it’ll be back to where it was in two years from now if that’s what I decide to let be the case. I did a pretty good job with the initial cut which I did right after he went to work. He’ll have to even it out, though, like he agreed he would which will probably pick it up to about an inch above the middle of my back. I was surprised at how it dried up. I thought it would dry up really curly like it was a decade ago when my hair was this length, but it dried up wavy instead. It looks like how it looked before my 20s - just wavy.

I think I’ll save one of the bundles of hair, and send the other one to Tammy along with the stuff I intend to send her when we move.


Tom and I agreed I’d paint the baseboards in the bedrooms and the living room. The parts that don’t have artwork on them and need to be primed first. I went and prepped the rooms by pulling out furniture and boxes away from the walls. I did a bit of vacuuming, but I don’t intend to get painting till sunup. This will be one less thing he has to do and one step forward to being done with the prepping. Tom’s gonna put vinyl baseboards in the kitchen and the bathroom. The back room never had any baseboards, so that’s how we’ll leave it.

We’re filling the pool back up now since Tom already repainted the steps. Once it’s filled, he’ll clean the leaves, twigs and gunk that’s in it. Then, all we’ll really have left is yard work, packing, and ditching old junk we won’t be taking with us. The packing I’m doing can’t be finished till we’re right about to move, but it isn’t much. Just the things we need to use till then. Tom, though, has a shitload of packing and dumping to do within the back room and the garage.

I’m totally, totally stumped as to what the hell’s going on with next door. At 1:15 yesterday afternoon, the cream pickup and the gold car showed up, then left an hour or two later. When I got up at 11:00, the gold car and the van were here, but they left shortly afterward and haven’t returned since. Shortly after they left, the cream pickup pulled in and has been there all night. There hasn’t been any music or wild antics of any kind from over there, so that’s all that really matters.

Tom said something about someone way down the street getting a new dog, but I have yet to hear it.


It took 2½ hours, but I managed to move shit out of the way, paint the living room and bedroom baseboards, then get shit back in order. Half the living room I didn’t do, though, cuz it needs priming, and only a little part of the bedroom didn’t get done. All of the music room is done, though.

At 7:00, someone moved the pickup into the street, but I have yet to see the van or any other vehicle. I did hear someone bopping around the carport, though. I didn’t hear any voices, but someone was out doing something.

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