Monday, July 19, 1999

Yesterday’s sex was utterly boring and predictable, but I just live with it. I want him to have the sex life he wants. I feel it’s the least I can do for him after all he’s done for me and given me. Besides, he already knows I’d prefer more oral and less screwing and continues to ignore this.

Andy finally called, but it was a cool message he left. Not a message asking for bullshit favors like I thought he’d leave. For now, he’s given up on the button, but I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised about that. After all, didn’t I say that was just to get me to check on it during the weekend till I gave him the reaction he wanted and didn’t get?

Anyway, he’s still at this temp job he’s been at for 2-3 weeks now, and he likes it cuz he can go on the Internet at this job. No wonder he hasn’t been more insistent about coming over. I don’t have anything to offer him if he’s got the Internet right there at work.

The cool part of the message is that he’s now working for Barbara Nicks. He and some friends helped clear some furniture out of her crafts store for $8 an hour even though they only worked a couple of hours, and now he’s gonna be doing yard work for her at the store once a week which he’ll be sent a check for $100 monthly for. I’m really happy for him and I hope he’ll keep this up! I think he will, though, being the connection to Stevie and all that. He’s in now, as he says. He’s getting closer to Stevie, and I still think they’ll meet. I mean really meet. And it won’t be just a quick hello at a concert. Anyway, I left a quick reply letting him know I was pleased for him.

According to my countdown, I have 35 days to go until these braces come off. However, I’ve got a vibe that’s getting stronger by the minute saying I can forget about that. Not just because the greedy rude doctor may decide to play musical appointments with me, but because my two front teeth aren’t moving. All the other teeth moved fast, but these teeth, which were the only teeth that were even to start with and that got thrown off after the braces went on, just won’t even out again. Maybe this won’t be a problem, though, but we’ll see.

Tom replaced our old, ugly, non-standard, out-of-date AC grill yesterday. The old one was non-painted metal and this one’s painted white. It looks much better and more modern. Also, now we have a standard size, so we can get filters for under a buck at a grocery store and know it’s gonna fit.

Computers are another thing I’ve been hexed with. Especially in the last handful of months. Tom had to redo my desktop and it was a bitch having to try to remember everything that was there and in the start-up menu, but at least I didn’t lose any journals or pictures. I didn’t bother this time to change my icons. Every time I do, I just end up losing them, so I’ll stick with theirs even if they’re ugly.

I made some pretty neat collages yesterday that were hard and time-consuming to make, but fun and worth it. I made a collage of dogs, cats, flowers, cactuses, palm trees, and an assortment of animals and scenery.

I thought it’d be neat to have a layout of all the places I lived in as an adult, so I went into a program that lets me draw with lines and made some cool, but disproportionate layouts of the Norwich, and the 3 Springfield apartments I had. I couldn’t do the Deerfield one, though, with all the alcoves it had. It was still an interesting thing to experiment with.

Since we probably won’t be able to “do the dream right,” so to speak, and get all we want for the new house right away, I’ve prioritized the list, making the computer desk I want, the exercise machine, kitchen set, living room set, bedroom set, and the table for mice/GP the top priorities.

In March, Tom plans to cash more stock and says we can each take $500 to blow. Cool! I love the idea of going back to that mall store where I got Bailey twice in less than a year! I can’t wait and am so excited to get new dolls, move, set up the new place, etc.

Yesterday, about 6 hours after I went to bed, at around 6 PM, there was a power failure. Being the light sleeper that I am, whose mind is just as alert to what’s going on around her in sleep as well as when she’s awake, I woke up the instant it happened. I figured the little kids would come out and raise hell, but they didn’t, and the power wasn’t off too long. The kids haven’t been raising hell and there hasn’t been any music heard in here and I’m not surprised. However, I don’t know anymore if the reason the van’s been gone is cuz it’s not supposed to be there. If there isn’t supposed to be a vehicle here, then why has the cream pickup been here since yesterday morning? It’s weird too, for vehicles to arrive at 8:30 in the morning over there, but that’s when this pickup came and it doesn’t appear to have moved since.

Also, I was wrong when I said Tom saw a new, white pickup over there Saturday. He said he saw it there Friday. The city has cars, vans, and pickups, and it could’ve been the city, but I don’t know. All I know is that this last weekend was the least stressful since they’ve been here, and it was great.


Tom just got in and helped me get my drawings and BMPs onto a CD. It took a few tries, but unlike making audio CDs, making data CDs works. Now I don’t have to use them till I lose them, cuz it’s only inevitable that the hard drive will go on the fritz again sooner or later and destroy all my wallpaper pictures and more.

The pickup left at 7:30 and hasn’t been back since. Tom suggested that maybe they swapped vehicles for some reason. I don’t know cuz if it was Deb and Chester using the pickup, why haven’t they come and gone constantly like they do with the van? If the van and pickup don’t show up today for more than a few minutes, then I’ll think the pickup was there for them to use to go somewhere if they needed to go anywhere yesterday, and that yes, they were told to get rid of the van or lose the house. Meanwhile, leaving at 7:30 in the morning on a weekday is the time to leave if you don’t want to get caught and look like you still have a vehicle of some kind. On Sundays, though, they won’t check up on them.

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but the gold car visited yesterday. Tom said that when they left he saw the kids, but didn’t hear them, and confirmed that there was no music played from over there that could be heard in this house.

I’d still say it’s quite a coincidence that the van disappears and the kids shut up two days after my letter goes out. Right now, I’d say it has to do with my letter, I am the first to complain, and they do care about getting evicted. I could tell any talk of going to the city made Deb nervous from the get-go, and I’m sure that’s why the overnight noise stopped, and the Ranchero and white car disappeared, too.

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