Wednesday, December 22, 1999

In the trailer…

That’s the second time I’ve seen one of the trucks next door by the shacks. The first time, a cock was there during the day. He was telling their dark, medium-size dog to “go home.” As in to go up to the house. After he was done doing whatever it was he was doing at the shacks, he drove around the corner and on up to the house. 

Someone was there again just now. I could hear the truck engine and see taillights. There was once electricity running to these shacks, and there’s still a phone wired to it. Rumor has it that some old people, presumably the older woman’s parents, used to live in these shacks before they died, but I don’t see how they could have. They’re barely five feet by five feet.

They’re so old and ugly-looking. They’re leaning slightly to one side and their windows are smashed. Fortunately, this should keep the kid from playing around them, cuz that’d be dangerous. They’re right on the corner of their property, which I thought was illegal. I thought you couldn’t have any building of any kind closer than 25’ to the edge of your property.

Maybe they’re using them for storage. I just hope that if they’re not gonna tear them down, they never restore them. I don’t want them that close to me, despite how quiet they’ve been.

Anyway, I’m here hanging out in the trailer and Tom’s asleep in the house.

These fucking cocks keep fucking us over with more bullshit lies and excuses, but now my vibes make perfect sense. As I said, I had a good vibe for the 23rd, which is tomorrow, but I also felt a bad vibe kick in two days ago. I had thought the good vibe was cuz of the two dolls I got today, but we’ll find that out for sure tomorrow. The bad vibe was cuz the fucking well people didn’t finish the job they were supposed to finish today, the lazy lying, mother-fuckers! I kept telling Tom for these last two days that they wouldn’t be out today, even though he insisted I’d be wrong.

Today’s excuse from the well driller was that he couldn’t get any workers today. Bull fucking shit! Steven told Tom that he spoke to Dan, the cock who’s holding up this final part of the well, and Dan swears the well will be done by 10 AM tomorrow and that he’ll bring his wife out to help if he has to. Even Steven said he’d come out and help. Like that stupid, worthless piece of shit would know anything about wells, yeah right! Then we got Gravity swearing he’ll come running right out to finish his job as soon as Dan gets his lazy ass out. Then we gotta wait for an inspection, and for APS to give us a meter box.

Well, it’s all bullshit. All fucking bullshit. No one will show up tomorrow and tomorrow’s excuse will be that he couldn’t get any vehicles running in order to get out here, or some lame, bullshit excuse like that. I can’t believe a damn thing anyone says! My life has been based on nothing but lies. All people want to do is talk. Everything’s all talk and no action.

I made a deal with Tom. We did it his way with the Mexicans and the blacks. I never laid a hand on them. But this cock’s mine. If he does come out tomorrow, fine. I’ll keep my mouth shut and my fists to myself, but he’s not allowed to leave this property till his job’s complete. If he doesn’t come out by Christmas, he’s at my mercy, and I swear, I’ll be his worst nightmare! I’ll fucking beat the cock beyond recognition. Nobody fucks me out of thousands of dollars and gets away with it. Even if I could win in court, I’m not gonna use the courts to fight my battles for me, which would cost more money and take forever. I can’t beat the money we’re lost to hotels out of this cock, but I can beat him so he suffers and so he really has an excuse to not work for a while.

Tom and I were checking out the well the other day, which is only a 550’ long pipe in the ground at this point. They covered it with a bucket and when we picked it up, you could hear the fine pieces of rock trickling down it that slipped down when we removed the bucket. Sound really gets funneled well in such a narrow space. I threw a stone down, a small quartz rock, actually, and it sounded weird. It not only seemed to make a wind sound going down, but you could also hear it hitting the sides of the pipe as it went down. I heard it hit water with a splat that echoed. It must’ve taken at least ten seconds to get down there.

Why is the dirt out here so powdery and why are there no rocks out here? Tom and I have been asking these questions, and if we can ever get back online one of these years, we’ll research this topic. I thought I once heard that the Grand Canyon was once an ocean, but Tom never heard that. He never heard what a co-worker told him either, which was that this was an ocean millions of years ago. Well, the powdery, dusty, rockless dirt supports that theory, but why aren’t there any fossilized bones of the sea life from back then? I know land can change drastically over lots of time, but it’s hard to understand how a desert could’ve once been a swampy or tropical area.

Scuttles is almost as big as Ratsy is now.

I accidentally scared poor Teresa last night. I came up to the desk and asked if she believed in psychics and she stiffened right up. After a few seconds of hesitation, she said yes. Then I told her I had a bad vibe that they weren’t gonna show up tomorrow (today) and proceeded to explain when she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, “Oh, you scared the shit out of me! I thought you were talking about having a bad vibe for me.”

Got two new dolls today at the grocery store. They’re 17” and from the same company I got Shauna and Meagan from. They were marked down from $20 each to $10 each, as I told Tom I thought they’d be. It’s hard to believe these two dolls together cost half of what Anne costs alone.

Nakita has reddish-brown hair and grayish eyes. I guess some might call her hair auburn. She wears a beautiful dress with shimmering gold and gold beads. She even has gold beads on her shoes.

Selena has blond hair and brown eyes and wears a white dress with pink tulips across the chest.

Their hair was styled the same, with looped braids. It’s where you put the hair in two ponytails, then separate three sections of hair on each side and braid them. Then you hook the ends of the braids up by the rubber band holding the ponytails. I never particularly cared for this hairstyle so I redid their hair. I put Selena’s in a high-pitched ponytail and started to make one braid for Nakita, but because her hair was uneven, loose pieces stuck out along the braid. Instead, I took those shorter pieces which were at the sides, and pulled them back with a gold barrette. Her hair’s long! To her feet.

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