Tuesday, December 21, 1999

At the hotel…

I’m getting sicker and sicker of unreliable people! Why can’t anyone finish what they start? The stupid shits drill the well, and now they’re not gonna finish it till tomorrow! Or so they say.

I had a good vibe for the 20th, but all that happened then was they came and got their rig. Big deal, huh? Although he says it was a good thing cuz he had been worried they were gonna be stuck in all the mud they created, I was never worried.

I also had a good vibe for tomorrow, but logic, plus people’s work patterns, tells me we can forget about getting in by Christmas and count on not being in till around January 10-15.

As soon as we arrived home yesterday, I knew, I just knew things weren’t gonna work out. Immediately I knew our two-week wait just got jacked up to about four weeks.

What really burns me up is that these people can fuck us over and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it short of killing them. We don’t have a case in court since contracts, as I’ve learned, mean absolutely nothing around here. They can put it in writing all they want that they have until December 1st or December 24th to finish up, but it’s bullshit! All bullshit! No one keeps their word, no one does shit, and no one gives a shit that we have to live with the hassles and expense of bouncing between the trailer and hotel. They can promise, they can write, they can threaten each other, but it’s all a bunch of bull fucking shit! None of these contractors will ever get sued or fired by anyone, we won’t get a discount for all these lazy, needless delays, and we’re gonna be losing thousands of dollars on account of these cocks. Aaaaarrrrggggghh!!! I want to kill these people sooo fucking bad!

I should’ve known something was up as soon as the house sold as fast as it did and as soon as we got that incredible offer. I should’ve known God had a reason for it. Of course he had the house sell fast at such a phenomenal price; he knew we’d need the money and that it’d take forever to get in the house. This was his first of many compensations to come, too. He won’t be finished with us when we do get in the house. No way. He’s gonna make us not only pay dearly for this big, nice new house, he’s gonna punish me for leaving the city. He wanted me to be a city girl. He wanted me in the city and he wanted me to listen to those Mexicans next door. But because I refused to stay in the noisy, crowded city filled with freeloaders, I have to pay for it. The question is what’s he gonna do when we do move in? Fuck up the house? Have us get sick or injured?

God, if it’s you who’s been cursing us, leave us alone! If it’s not you, then leave us alone whoever or whatever you are!


Must be a Mexican close by. Yeah, I heard a car stereo thumping.

Last night I crashed earlier than usual cuz I was so beat. That pain I get at half-time every so often was back again to bug me, so maybe that was draining me. For the first time ever on the land, I awoke before sunrise.

I ended up speaking more with Teresa and Tracy, the black lady, but mainly Tracy, last Sunday night. We mostly talked about my having braces/retainers, and why she’s interested in getting them for herself, beats me. Her teeth are already straight.

Teresa brought in cookies she baked for the guests and they were delicious. She has her younger brother Joey here with her tonight. Last Sunday her two sisters stood over. I wonder why they stay at the hotel.

We’re in the same room we were in last time - room 330 with a king bed and micro/fridge. Last time, on a hunch, I called the room directly below me to see if Teresa’s sister was in it, and sure enough, she was. A young girl answered and in a disguised voice, I asked if she was Teresa’s sister. Yeah, she said, and I hung up.

Tom’s mom is giving us quite a generous Christmas gift. As Tom said, if he understood her right, we’re each getting a wrapped gift, $100 for each of us, and $250 for us both. Neat, huh? Can’t wait to get in that house and get our new exercise machine, even if that means my big Barbie, CD-changer, new headphones, and cactus napkin holder have to wait.

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