Wednesday, December 8, 1999

Tomorrow we’re expecting the kitchen set, the stools, and the spider lamp. That’s great, but when oh when are we ever gonna get water and electricity?!?! I keep insisting to Tom that we’re never gonna get a well, so we may as well start hauling water. We’ll probably have to fill in the septic ourselves too, which has been inspected and OK’d.

When the fuck are we ever gonna get those two sets of stairs we were promised? When the fuck are we ever gonna get in that damn house?!?!

Steven, who’s really lied to us and fucked us over “claims” he fired Hilda, then he swore he called the well driller, after swearing he didn’t know we’d been living in motels and got on his ass about getting us drilled, but even this cock’s a fucking liar. He said he’d drill the well “as soon as we got our permit.” God, how I hate people who say they’re gonna do something they don’t do!

It’s a real bitch stepping up on our little step ladder, then taking the gigantic step up into the house. You have to pull yourself up there.

In case I forgot to say - our AC is a ground-mounted unit, right outside the utility door.

I’m just so fucking sick of people screwing us over; being all talk and no action! I keep telling Tom he’s too soft-spoken with these people, then we argue over how my getting aggressive with these fucks will do us no good. It’s stressful and frustrating, even if my worst days since being out here are still fantastic compared to an average day back east, but still, I feel evil forces working against us, as well as blessed ones. It’s like first God’s with us by letting us sell our house so fast, even if we had expected to get out of there 4-6 months sooner than we did, and now, it’s like he’s teasing me with this house. I feel like this preparing to move and this trailer/hotel shit has been going on for years. Well, I mentally “prepared” to move six years ago, but still - when is this gonna end? I just want in the house! I try to remind myself how much worse things could be by remembering the past, and I tell myself to be glad that at least I have Tom and the house is here and at least we’re out of Phoenix, but I don’t feel gone half the time. Although I have a beautiful house and 10 gorgeous acres, God won’t let me out of the city! Every other day or two we have to go back so we can shower and once again - I’m stuck in the city! Stuck with all the noise and people. Stuck where everyone makes their business your business.

God really wants me to finish this decade with other people’s noise. It’s like the decade’s not out yet so he’s not finished with me yet. But what’s he gonna do next? What’s the next decade’s ongoing issue gonna be that’s gonna take 8-10 years to either go away on its own or for me to fix? Why must I pay so dearly for this house? Can’t I ever receive something without conditions? Why must I be punished and made to suffer just so I can live a normal life in this house and on this land (or as close to normal as God will allow and I’ll be happy with)?

There is some good news, although it’s not really good news, cuz it’s been cold, and cuz they just moved in, but behind us has still been quiet. Again, I don’t think they’re living here full-time anymore than we are.

What I’m trying to figure out, though - is all this being delayed from getting in the house, being screwed by Steven and his people, and having to play motel, punishment for leaving Phoenix and a house of noise? Compensation for getting the house/land? Or a sign of something good to come? Could we be going through all this hassle only to be soon compensated for something wonderful? Well, just getting in that fucking house would be wonderful enough!!!

Speaking of that house, I put some dolls up on top of the kitchen cabinets and they look really cool. I had to put them mainly on the cabinets towards the middle of the house where the ceiling’s high enough for them, cuz the ceiling’s just a few inches above the cabinets on the exterior wall.

Now that I know more about how dolls are made, I was able to fix some arms and legs that I thought were defective or just the way they were. Take Maria, for example. Well, I didn’t know she could be a sitting doll like Bailey, but she can and she is now and she looks so much better. Before, she had an odd pose and was neither a sitting doll nor a standing doll, but more like a leaning doll that was very pigeon-toed.

I repositioned Angel and Lollipop’s arms.

I can’t wait to get back to the casino. We’re gonna win the next time, too. I just know it. How interesting for me to vibe this before going there. Usually, I don’t sense if we’ll win or lose until we arrive at the casino. It won’t be millions, but it’ll be more than a few bucks.

Gosh, I didn’t think I could get in such a writing mood with all the shuffling around and with all the BS I’ve been through, but I guess after not writing nearly as much as I usually do and have been wanting to do it caught up to me.

It hasn’t rained since late August-early September and they say our first rain in months is due to hit this weekend. Can’t wait to check out the wash during a rainstorm. Tom thinks it’ll be a doozy too, and it oughta be neat to see a little river cascade through our land.

If you ask me personally, I’m glad the weather’s been like it’s been in light of our circumstances. This way I’m not sweating my ass off as I go back and forth to the trailer/house, and while I work in the house. It also keeps dogs quieter and flies, moths, and other flying bugs to a minimum.

We finally met our neighbors to our left. Well, he did. I was in the house and didn’t even know they’d met (that’s how big our property is)! Till he told me about it. As we were driving in earlier, we noticed five huge dogs by their shacks which were a bit scary. To say there are a lot of loose dogs around here is an understatement. Anyway, they drove up to the trailer to talk to Tom and they asked if they were our dogs. First, the grandmother introduced herself, her daughter, and her grandson. (I forgot if he said the son-in-law was present). So he told them we’d seen them, and she said they killed a chicken of theirs, but that by the time she grabbed her gun, they were gone (too bad!).

He said she looked white, but the kid and daughter may be Mex. Or did he say the kid’s father? Anyway, it figures. It really figures. He did say they seemed like nice people, though, and we’re glad to have met them since we were both curious, but what would they have done if he’d said they were our dogs? Shoot us?

I guess I’m not gonna be hearing about Joeshit’s and the H’s letters, but I kind of figured as much deep down. What could I hear about them?

I called Andy twice from the Southgate, but the first time I dropped the damn phone and never heard what he was saying so I just hung it up in the middle of his babbling. When I called back, he picked up and said, “Rock and roll star you are,” and I hung up.

Speaking of the Southgate - it was not peaceful like the first two times we were there. It was just like a regular hotel with hallways. There was a lot of banging, and while it wasn’t chock full, it wasn’t as dead as usual, either. Some little shit slammed its door nearly on and off till late at night. Amazingly, I slept straight through from midnight till 8:00 like I did, although at 8:15 the banging started up again. The housekeeper was the cause of some of it. We left before they could begin to pester us to clean the room. As I said, Do Not Disturb signs are useless out here. If they can’t go to your door, they call you and bug you by phone.

Anyway, right after Tom left at 11:00 for work, I called the nearby rooms that were occupied, knowing one or both of them had to be doing the banging. There was no one to our right, but there was to our left and below. I called below first and said, “Stop slamming that door!”

“What?” said the middle-aged to older guy in such a stunned voice.

“Sit down, shut up, and quit slamming doors,” I said and hung up.

As soon as the cock to my left answered, I said the same thing. As soon as I finished, I hung up after hearing him say, “Who the f…”

I obviously really scared the shit out of them cuz they wouldn’t answer in the morning yet their cars were still there.

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