Thursday, December 16, 1999

We extended our hotel stay for three days in a row, with tonight being the last night, to make it easier on us.

They were at 200’ with the well Tuesday and at 400’ yesterday, so they may finish up today. Meanwhile, Tom’s gonna jump on the phone to push for Gravity to get his fat ass out to finish his job, so we can get in by Christmas and not have to wait a month in between jobs. Before, it’d seem like a month would pass after each job they did, be it the septic, the skirting, APS stringing the electric, etc. If these people want to get paid, they’ll finish their job cuz as it is, they’re not getting full payment. Not with all the delays they’re not.

Well, last night was the 5th quiet hotel night in a row. Hopefully, that’s a good sign, and maybe God will give us a break for a change and let us into our home by Christmas like I prayed for. The bulk of my prayers go unanswered, though, as you know, so we’ll see.

I called Andy last night and the night before, but I think I’m gonna call it quits with calling him. All he does is either say nothing or quote lyrics and it’s really quite boring. I’m done with him. I have nothing to say to him. And there’s nothing he can say to me that’s worth hearing.

I thought of Andy after I smelled pot a few times out at the house. Can you believe it?! Even Tom smelled it. If it isn’t pot we smelled a few different times, then it’s something that really resembles it closely. We couldn’t tell where it was coming from, although we doubt it came from Dan or next door due to the direction of the wind Dan and next door our south, the rentals are west, and the smell came from the north.

On our first night here, I sat down to listen to music and turned all the lights off. I then noticed these dots of light on the wall and couldn’t figure out what was causing them. When I turned the lights on, though, I could see there were little glow-in-the-dark star stickers stuck to the wall. I took them to the house and put them in my office.

I haven’t said anything to Tom yet, although I’ve mentioned it before, cuz I wanted to see if he’d notice. So far he hasn’t. I swapped my old nicotine-stained lampshade that goes to the bedroom wall lamp, with one of their wall lampshades here. Mine was only slightly bigger than theirs and shouldn’t be noticeable to anyone who’s not looking for it. Eventually, when it comes time to replace the fluorescent bulb, they may see that the lampshade’s rather dingy looking and replace it. By then we should be long gone and they shouldn’t have a clue as to who made the swap. They may never even know it was a swap, but just a lampshade that got dirty.

Also, I filled those three jar lamps. I could’ve put a Barbie in the big one, but she would’ve been standing funny, so I put flowers in and it looks great. Even Tom says it’s way cool and looks like I bought it that way. I didn’t get as lucky with the two smaller ones cuz most of my flowers were either too old and frayed that I threw them out. So I put beads and pieces of turquoise in one, and an assortment of jewelry in the other.

Yesterday I thought I was getting a cold cuz I had a sore throat, but I’m fine today. Nonetheless, I took the day off and let Tom go straight to the house from work by himself. I hope he doesn’t return with any bad news of any kind. We don’t need it! I have a good vibe for the 20th and a somewhat good one for the 23rd, too.

Poor Tom’s only had four hours of sleep the last two days. I hope he can catch up on at least some of it. He said he’d be in between 1:00-4:00. A part of me wishes I’d gone with him today, cuz I’m sort of bored here.

I automatically awoke at 8:30. Guess I’ve developed a bit of a built-in alarm clock.

I’ve written and listened to music, so I guess I’ll read now.


If only I’d written down that black bitch’s number before we got the trailer! I could’ve called to confirm whether or not she really got my mail. It’s a little late for that now, anyway, though. She and her cock oughta be out of town now like they always were before Christmas and just after the New Year.

I can’t call the Mexicans for confirmation not knowing their name, not that they’d necessarily be listed. I can’t believe that I never got a piece of their mail and learned their name during the four months I was stuck with them.

I can’t seem to get myself to read right now. I’m in more of a writing mood, although I don’t know what else to say at this time. Just the same thing I’ve been saying for months and what seems like years - I want in that house! I want in now! No, I want in more like yesterday!

I’ve gotten a few wall decorations up, but it’d help if I had my box of nails. They must be in mini storage. All I’ve got is my big toolbox which does have some nails, but mainly screws.

Tom and I were a fool to think I’d run out of doll or wall space. I’ve got plenty of room left for dolls, but that’s mainly cuz 12 of them ended up on top of kitchen cabinets and a few on the counters. I could use some more pictures for the walls. The wall space in there is endless!

I wish Tom would hurry back!


We hit water today at 545’! Tom said there was water gushing everywhere. He says he also has reason to believe we will be in by Christmas according to how everyone’s acting. Well, this goes with my vibes, which I told him about. He said the 20th is when a pump is supposed to be put on the well, and the house should be inspected on the 23rd which could explain why I had good vibes for those dates.

Also, he got a $750 bonus at work for being such a good worker. After taxes are deducted, though, it’ll only be about $450, but hey, that’s the cost of about 8 hotel nights.

He said he was feeling so well and that he wanted the good luck to continue, so he almost stopped at the casino but was too tired. I’ll bet! At least he’s asleep now and will be able to get nearly 8 hours.

They took the storage bin back today.

I forgot to mention this “witching” crap the well driller went through before beginning the drilling. Talk about putting on a show! With a brass rod that looked like an L-shaped coat hanger, he walked around the property claiming that the more it moved to the side, the more there was water pooled in that area. What a bunch of superstitious bullshit! Yeah, right, and if I walk around with a tree branch that happens to swing to the side magically on its own, does that mean there’s gold under me? He had to have consciously moved the rod, cuz you could hit water pretty much anywhere in that area. That was obvious with all the wells on the farms around there.

I said hi to Teresa, who was totally bored and told her about hitting water. Before I could ask her about stealing any plants, she got a phone call.

Tom hasn’t noticed the swapped lampshade. I told the maid we didn’t need her services today. Not cuz I feared she’d notice the switch either, but because we’re all set till we leave tomorrow.

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