Saturday, December 25, 1999

Today was a great day. Save for a few scattered dogs in the distance, it was a quieter Christmas than I expected. No voices, no gunfire, no music. Till 8:00. Yeah, I heard distant bass rumbling off towards where all the lights are for about 15 minutes, but fortunately, it was too soft to be heard in the house. I could only hear it in the trailer. I think it was coming from the same place last week’s music came from.

New Year’s Eve is probably gonna be noisier than in the city. It’s tradition, especially in Arizona, to shoot guns at midnight. Well, if they do it in the city where it’s not allowed, I can only imagine how much they’ll do it out here in this rural area where it is allowed.

I was surprised at how many cars I heard driving by last night. Maybe not down Ralston or Meadow Green, but near enough. Right before midnight, the gray dumpy car that lives at the furthest rental drove down Ralston by the house, then turned onto Meadow Green, then in front of their place. That’s the second time I’ve seen them come in really late. Maybe someone there works a 3-11 shift.

Shockingly, there’s still no one in the closer house in back, nor has George brought in any new trailers or houses.

Although it was cold, in the 50s, I survived sleeping with the thermostat just below 60º. Tom said that hardly any propane got used last night. Tonight, though, I’m gonna keep it at just under 65º, although I prefer 70º. I just don’t want to risk running out at 3 AM. I could sleep without any heat at all, but I’d rather have at least a little.

Why are we so fucking hexed with toilets? Toilets and cars! First the valve wasn’t closing all the way so we couldn’t fill the toilet with water to take a dump, then the toilet paper got jammed up so no more would fit down the hole. It certainly wasn’t full, so our tipping the trailer the other day trying to move it must’ve caused it all to settle in one spot. I just hammed the toilet paper down with the end of the fly swatter, so hopefully it’ll be OK for a while.

I haven’t been setting alarms for a few weeks now. I seem to naturally wake up between 8:00 and 10:00.

When I got up today, I brought food and water over to the animals, who are now in the house.

We dragged the generator over to the house to run the portable heater to heat the bedroom, where we had boring, predictable sex. The only surprise to it was that it didn’t hurt like I expected it to. Good, so when we screw again in 2-4 weeks, I’ll know not to worry. Other than that, the excuses came again. This time it was the cramp-in-the-side excuse.

I steamed some dolls’ dresses and hair, but what really made the day was that I got to use the computer! Oh, it felt so good! I missed it! I was surprised not to have forgotten anything, like how to download pictures, which I did, and my typing hasn’t slowed down a bit.

I typed 7 pages (nearly half of my first trailer journal) and retrieved Joebitch’s number. The one she got when she moved. I’d love to call her from the hotel to hear her reaction to hearing from me and to see if I can confirm she got my mail, but unless the bitch has changed habits, she’s out of town till after New Year’s. However, if there’s any good to us being delayed from getting in the house, it’s that we’ll still be playing hotel when she gets back.

Speaking of that black and a certain pack of Mexicans, I wonder if part of the shit we’re going through trying to get in our own home is part of God’s punishment for my mail to those people and for dumping Andy. I think it’s mostly cuz we left the city, though, and to compensate us for getting such a nice house. Well, feel we deserve and earned this place, and if something up there doesn’t think so - tough.

Because we brought over the 2 big boxes my computer and monitor were in from the trailer to the house, we were able to fold the bed back into a couch that’s in the front of the trailer. It sure makes the place look bigger. I swept and vacuumed the trailer today.

It was good to take a day off from going out. I needed it. Tom made a trip to Maricopa, though, for gas and my favorite coffee.

Tom told me that many years ago, for about a year or more, all he had to eat every day was a ham and cheese sandwich, fries, and a shake. He got this at a drive-through every morning before work and kept no food in his house. I asked why and he said it was just a habit. I wish I could get myself into the “habit” of only having one meal a day, but I’m such a wimp. I can never get used to the hunger no matter how long I diet.

Around 7:00 I fired down my computer and he fired down the generator. He went to bed in the house and I came here to the trailer. I’m gonna go do another round of singing.

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