Tuesday, October 15, 2002

Today’s Mary’s 25th birthday. Another 5-7 years and she too, will know the agony of a slower metabolism! Nonetheless, I hope she has as good of a birthday as one in jail could possibly have. Hope’s probably out of her hair by now. In her last letter, she told me she was sentenced to 40 years, which I think really means about 12, so by now DOC would’ve come and swiped her. I hope she gets along with her next celly and that they stay together long unless Mary leaves.

I decided what the hell? So I’m redoing my photo albums now.

The weekend was nice. We spent more time together and even laid in bed reading. We haven’t done that in a while. It seems we do most things in spurts, but it makes it all the more special when we do end up doing something we haven’t done in a while. We still have no desire for sex.

I’m also redoing my allergy test. I don’t know, I guess it’s just that I’m so determined to get my way with just one thing regarding my life/body for once. I’ve only taken the nasal spray once in 3-4 weeks, and that in itself is pretty damn good.

Just two weeks and hopefully – hopefully - I’ll have just one more year of dealing with these fucking freeloaders. And of course, no one with the proper authority will give a damn, step forward and say, “Hey, enough is enough. She’s done two years for something she shouldn’t have done two minutes for. Leave her alone and let her get on with her life.”

Instead, I’ll have to be punished with the black bitch for no reason at all for yet another year.

When I think back on the jail experience in general, I can’t believe God would allow me to be treated like such a child all over again in my mid-30s. My mid-30s! If he could let me fall victim to such experiences at that age, he could let it happen at any age, and that’s a really scary thought.

As Tom put it last night, today’s the critical day when the earnings come out and we should get an idea of whether or not we have a shot at the stock selling this year, but I don’t need to see what I already know. I know it won’t sell this year. The vibe is too strong for me to be wrong. Besides, it’s so us. Fate would fuck us over in that department.

Some psychics are good at predicting love, some are good at careers, and I’m just one of those doom psychics, who sees mostly negative things coming. I can’t help but see what I see. I don’t ask to see it, either.

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