Thursday, October 7, 2004

Last night I told Tom I’d work on making as many of his coworkers sick as I could to lessen his chances of getting let go in the end. Ironically, the mean-looking chick who stabbed her husband had to go to the hospital today. Pleurisy, I guess it was.

I cannot wait to get into an apartment! I know it’s going to be noisy as hell, but I want another room to retreat to other than the bathroom. As soon as he gets in, that TV goes on and I’m forced to watch it whether I want to or not. I can’t read when the fucking thing’s on either so I have to wait. I can’t get any space unless he’s either working or asleep.

Mr. Optimist thinks we’ll get an ok neighbor. Well, if we do, they’ll be out of there before we even get one suitcase unpacked, and in will come Mommy with an obnoxious little brat of a kid, or a partying college kid. Nah, I doubt either of those will be the case. We’ll get the freeloaders. We always do.

He says you’re less likely to get noisy neighbors or dogs in a 1-bedroom, but noise curses don’t care. I was in a studio, for Christ’s sake, and look what a nightmare that butch was at the Vista after I complained about her, not yet knowing what a crime that was in that state. Besides, there’s nothing to say the 1-bedroom duplex can’t be next to a big house with lots of people and dogs. In the end, I think banging and car stereos will be the highlights of the noises. When I say “banging,” I mean doors slamming, cabinets closing, etc. All it takes is one ferocious neighbor. After seeing that butch make nearly as much noise as the family next to me in the NHA did, I knew it didn’t matter. A curse is a curse is a curse.

They finally woke me up here. A couple of bangs woke me up midway through my sleep. I’m worried about my schedule. I can’t seem to back it up or push it forward, and if that Arab idiot was right about it being the law that one must switch motel rooms after staying in one that they paid to stay in for a week, then we have to move yet again! Will there ever come a day when we don’t have to move every few days to a few years?!?!

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