Friday, October 8, 2004

Tom read the short story I wrote with Tina and Kate as the main characters. Knowing he expected them to get it on, I had them meet just like we did in real life, then meet at Kate’s place and not be able to be more than friends in the end. Then I had her look-alike sister-in-law break the news to Kate because Tina didn’t have the heart to do so herself. In the end, Kate runs into them in a store and is hurt, angry and confused at first, with the story ending with everyone agreeing to be friends. It’s only 9 pages.

Tom read the story earlier tonight, too.

It was very windy this evening. A dust storm blew in, but no rain. Just a bit of drizzle. It’s a good thing I wasn’t trying to sleep because the wind was rattling the door in its frame.

Tom talked to the guy today at the desk and he said we could stay in this room for another week, also they want to service this room tomorrow. That’d be fine with me since I don’t like to sleep on the same sheets or use the same towels for over a week, and the room needs vacuuming. So, since I’m not going to fall asleep till close to dawn, I’ll have to have my sleep broken up. I’ll have to get up a few hours after falling asleep, but I can go back to sleep afterward.

Tom and I were reading some incredible land/house deals for just a couple of grand to about 20 grand, but I still think we’ll always struggle because we always have. I’m also going to be afraid to attempt to leave the city again no matter how noisy the apartment is because I’m going to fear getting stuck back here no matter how much money we save up. I’m at a tug of war, you could say, because I don’t want to stay in the city, though I’m afraid to leave it. Meanwhile, I can’t leave it, so we’re going to shoot for something in the $300 range. Tom thinks we’ll be here 6 months to a year, but at this point, I just want out of motels! I don’t care if it’s a pitiful 600 square feet at this point, I just want out of here. This motel is spacious and quieter, but it’s still a motel! I want a place where I can service us at my own convenience, rather than have someone else do it for me at their convenience.

I thought of something that may prompt the queen to send Christmas money, and that’s other people’s gifts. If other family members bring gifts there for us, then they may ship them up to us, and if they do, they may include crap of their own, including money. It’d be nice if they did, but it also wouldn’t surprise me if they didn’t bother with Christmas or my birthday. If they don’t care that we’re homeless, then why should they care about that?

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