Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fortunately, I was able to get online without any problems when I got up. Yesterday Tom had to call our IP cuz our modem lost its mind and we needed a special code to access the internet.

It will be warm and sunny again today, and like yesterday, I am barefoot and in shorts.

I still love the hell out of D, but she sure confuses me at times. She said something like, “Now that I know you’re strictly dickly I won’t talk about sex anymore,” and I’m wondering to myself, now where the hell does this girl come up with these things? After all, if I were strictly dickly then I wouldn’t be flirting with her. Only gay and bi women flirt with other women. Not straight women. LOL, so I don’t always know what to make of her assumptions at times, but anyway, she gets off work at 8pm today. I hope her cold is better.

The pest is working today, judging by the fact that I haven’t heard his motorcycle since I’ve been up. And Tom said he heard barking “in the distance” this morning which was almost certainly Whiskey right up the hill. You can’t hear barking in the distance here unless you either go outside or are by an open window late at night.

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