I’m going to take a break from emailing journal entries to Maliheh because I just don’t know what’s going on with her. This is the longest I’ve gone without hearing from her. She’s a very blunt, honest and outspoken person and since she has insisted it’s not me, I have to believe that and that she’d tell me if she wanted to dump me for any reason or was mad at me. Therefore, something must be going on with her and I don’t know if she’s been getting my messages or has had the time to read them. I will wait till I hear from her, then I’ll catch her up to date on what’s been going on with me. I’ve asked her numerous times to reply to my messages and let me know what’s up with her, but haven’t heard back. This isn’t like her. Something’s going on. Just wish I knew what!
Aside from learning that Dad was in the hospital, yesterday was a fun day at Walmart. As always, I can never resist shiny things and good smells, so I got some more of those scented body mists (Enchanted Forest & White Gardenia) and a gorgeous necklace with matching earrings. Got a ring similar to my pink one too, only this one is lavender and in a smaller size. I wanted a pinky ring, but they didn’t go under size 5. I’ll have to get a kid’s ring to fit my pinkies. Even the glitter bangle I liked slipped right off my wrist that’s how damn small I am.
I also did get new earbuds after all. They’re pink and the kind I can insert in both ears.
I know we should be saving but one has to have fun every now and then and have a life.
I even got some new workout equipment that will allow me to work my arms more and with a wider range of exercises. I can even work my legs with this thing. Running doesn’t necessarily work the inner and outer thigh muscles very well. I bought a trio of resistance bands. They’re similar to my others only longer so I can work both biceps at once, for example. The gray one equates to 5 pounds, the red to 10, and the black to 15. When used all together it’s 30 pounds.
Instead of getting Windows 7, we decided to just get Word for Mac for now. We’re going to order it online.
Time to bitch about Molly, but this can’t go online, of course. Well, she’s the craziest I’ve ever known her to be. Totally at the worst I’ve ever seen her behave since she first latched onto me in 2009. Paranoid, delusional, accusatory and very angry. She’s leaving messages on profiles of people I’ve never heard of saying, “Why are you talking about me to ratgirl?”
But they’re not! I’ve never even heard of the users she’s accusing of talking about her with me.
Her current status says: Jodi shut your trashy mouth.
But I haven’t said one single thing about her on any site I use and I even told Andy not to mention her. Hmm… not sure if this insanity is more funny or creepy.
Now it’s: I dislike ratgirl.
One status update that was funny was when she said she went into her parents’ bedroom at 5:30 this morning and laid her head down on her mother’s leg who has a very bad cold. Quite a coincidence that she gets sick after pissing me off again, huh?
Anyway, while I do admit I read her blog at times just to laugh at the craziness of it, I really wish she would kill herself or that someone else would do it for her. I really fear the rest of my online life is going to be forced to have her included in it. I can’t post links just anywhere, I can’t allow for anonymous comments or anything like that which may open me up to more harassment from this loony tune. It never ends! I just get a few days off here and there. Dani said she went through this with her years ago, then she left her alone for two years, and now she’s back at it in full swing. Wish she would give me two years off!
One blog post which was directed to me as a “letter” said I should leave her alone. After all, why would I want to bother with someone who’s just 28 years old?
But I’m not doing anything to her! I’m not mentioning her in my journal, not contacting her – nothing. Anything I’ve said about her has been done in private only. And what’s with the 28-year-old thing? Oh, but it’s no problem for her to keep following a 46-year-old, right? It’s only okay to harass those that are older, is that it?
Alison said she’s been hospitalized before for threatening suicide and her parents (which she also recently stated isn’t the answer), but how the hell one gets out of the hospital after just 5 days for making threats like that is beyond us. Why hasn’t she been committed or had tests run on her? The doctor is probably unaware of her online obsessions and behavior, and of course her enabling parents continue to make one excuse after another for their darling daughter.
She’s not even sleeping anymore, so it seems. Been up round the clock blogging about her misguided and senseless rage, mostly towards Alison, her parents and her ex-boyfriend. One minute she wants to kiss and make up, the next she’s “better off without them.”
It isn’t just her erratic moods and clinginess that drive people crazy, but her warped sense of reality and blatant lies as well. She gets mad at people for things they didn’t even do or that normal people wouldn’t get mad at. You never know if asking her what her weather is like is going to piss her off! Even she admits the slightest thing gets her fuming. And to say she’s as bad as a bad liar can possibly get is an understatement! Her lies are so damn obvious that I don’t know who the hell she thinks she’s kidding. Certainly not most people.
She’s mentioned the possibility of going to a group home. She needs to go somewhere but most of all she needs to be banned from joining social sites since she just can’t leave people alone. All she does is piss them off so she can have fun stalking them and trying to “win” them back over. It’s a sick, twisted game to her.
She’s also mentioned the Caesar case. This is the guy who she claims raped her, but as Aly said, she wouldn’t trust anything she says about that. Besides, her story has changed numerous times. According to Aly, Caesar was a nurse who visited her grandparents in the retirement community they lived in. She liked him and he flirted with her. Then one night things went a little too far. But as Aly said, Caesar is supposedly still on the loose and she doesn’t get why the parents haven’t done anything to have him apprehended or Molly avenged if something serious really happened. Aly agrees it was probably just a case of assault at its worst. All Molly said was something about telling the DA she was afraid to testify for fear of him harming her and her family. I wish he would!
Aly said her mother said to just ignore her and she’d eventually go away, but as we both know, ignorance isn’t bliss in the Molly case. Yes, the less we mention her the less we hear from her, but that doesn’t make her go away altogether. And so I came up with an idea and a suggestion for Alison. I told her it’s great that she didn’t die of cancer for real, but who says she can’t die of it at least for Molly’s sake? Yeah, as in faking her own death, LOL! Kim and I could maybe blog that Dustin told us she died or something.
Aly got quite a kick out of this idea, but worries the troll may still have her parents’ number and the last thing she wants are her parents getting a call from this batshit crazy nutty sicko in regards to it. I can understand her concern, but at this point, I’d worry more about myself than my parents. Or maybe she can warn her parents up front about what she plans to do.
Ignoring her simply doesn’t work, but as crazy as she’s driving people she’s well within the law. Even if she wasn’t, after being a victim of corrupt law enforcement officials, I could never reach out to the law and trust them anyway.
Geez, now she’s posting things like “I feel hurt and betrayed by Alison,” on random profiles, some of which are minors.
She can’t even watch a movie without whining about how horrible her life is. That oughta tell you something right there about someone who can’t even sit through a whole movie without bitching about friends they’ve lost forever.
What’s got me pissed off is that even though I’ve got her blocked from leaving messages and making comments, she can still vote on posts. She’s been down-voting a lot of my posts as well as Alison’s and Kim’s. This pisses me off more than her trashing me with lies in her blog because it makes me feel like she’s controlling my stuff. Her blogs are her blogs, but mine are mine, and I feel like she’s got a hold on me of sorts by having the power to vote on them. I can delete unwanted comments and messages, but I can’t undo her votes.
She’s spent almost 9 hours on my blog so far today.
Tammy apparently read my blog. Not only did TIP say so but she left a comment on Facebook in regards to the entry about Dad being in the hospital saying she was sorry she didn’t tell me about it and that she should have. No worries, I told her. I find out about things sooner or later either way.
“I will be 50 in less than 4 months,” ugly Lori left on my wall.
So? What does she want for it, a medal? Really, I am so sick of an unlimited supply of attention from crazies and uglies! Am I really that crazy and ugly myself? Except for Alison, what do these people see in me that attracts them so? Why do the hot Nanes and Malihehs of the world keep their distance along with the saner ones? What is it about me that scares them off? Or am I simply overreacting and taking something personally that most people experience in life?
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