Thursday, January 5, 2012

When I was going to bed I did my usual prayers to help guard against financial and health problems. Still not sure it does me any good, but can it hurt? I also asked for a sign in my dreams as to whether or not we’re moving and where to. I ended up having an interesting dream, alright. While no particular state was ever mentioned and no landscape of any kind was visible to get a sense of what kind of climate the dream took place in, we definitely moved long-distance. This I know because in the dream I giggled to myself thinking what experts we’ve become at that sort of thing and here we go again, jobless and homeless till we land on our feet somewhere after making the big leap.

Then some guy was showing us rentals. I don’t know if we knew him or not, but I don’t think we did. He pointed out that there was this particular string of rentals that celebrities rented from time to time. I was just about to ask how the hell we could afford to rent something they could afford when he explained it with just one word. I don’t remember the word but it all made sense to me in the dream how we could afford it. I just wanted to rent what was right for us and not because celebs rented it, too.

Once I was awake enough to analyze the dream I came to 4 possible conclusions and was no closer to knowing what the future holds as far as moving goes and where to. I figure the dream could mean that a long-distance move is many years away, or we could be sitting on a bunch of money I don’t know about to get us moved sooner, or something’s just playing with me, or it means absolutely nothing at all. So it’s nice that I got the sign I asked for. I just wish I knew what it meant if it meant anything at all. How should I interpret it?

Makes me wonder, though, if those other rental dreams I had that I assumed were in this area could’ve been elsewhere.

So the troll is capable of threats after all. After a wonderful 5-day absence from my blog, she wrote in her own blog that she just got home from the hospital after threatening to kill herself and her parents, she feels better now, she’s back on medication, and she misses talking to Alison.

I wish she would off mommy and daddy if she’s not going to be kind enough to do herself in. That way she would go bye-bye for a lot longer than 5 days (she spent over an hour on my blog today) and I wouldn’t have to worry about that scary mother of hers who has got to be the most intimidating person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting online. Does she want to be so protective of her now? Now that she’s threatened her? Really, does she want to threaten to file suit now?

She’s still talking about Aly and why she hasn’t heard from her. She also said it was funny how a few people started talking to her for a while after being mean to her for so long. Of course being “mean” means trying to avoid her and telling her to go away and stay away, not wanting anything to do with her.

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