Saturday, March 1, 2014

Decided to share Blogger links on Facebook instead of LJ and have made LJ private since my top troll's back. She didn't contact me but she took a quick peek at my LJ blog, and since LJ is a pain in the ass to block IP#'s on, I blocked her on Blogger instead, cuz I know that if she can't get into LJ, she'll try Blogger. 

It also appears I have a local visitor in Loomis and I’m guessing it’s Holly. Second guess would be Shannon, then I guess it would be a tie between The doctor and the dentist. I doubt the good Doc’s assistant would check me out and I doubt Janet, the receptionist would think to do so, so I’m going with Holly cuz she seemed the most talkative, the most interested in her “famous” patient, and the blondest. LOL, you know I always get attention from those I wouldn’t exactly consider the most flattering or interesting, but she was a nice lady and it’s not like she’s ugly or crazy or anything like that. 

I remember Shannon said she lives in Citrus Heights so that’s why I doubt it’s her. I’m in Citrus Heights and I’ve never appeared as being in Loomis before, so why would she? It appears to be a pretty nice house in a rural area, a little far out for a doctor or dentist, I would think, but that seems right for a dental hygienist. 

A quick check on Zabasearch shows no listing for the Doc or dentist in Loomis, but I can’t check Holly or Shannon cuz I don’t know their last names. 

Alison is busy dealing with her own health issues; some gross liquid-like leakage from below what’s left of her breasts, and from her belly button. Gross! I told her that she probably has open sores of some kind that she oughta get checked out right away. 

As I told Aly, I deactivated my Twitter because I don’t use it enough and I also don’t want Kim and Molly observing our exchanges. 

My poor little toe woke me up a few times during the night and I had to take ibuprofen to dull the pain. I’m still walking funny, which in turn makes my ankle sore, so I’m staying off my feet as much as I can today. 

Forgot to say that my BP was through the roof and my pulse was up there too, yesterday at 170/92 and 111, but that was probably just nerves. I’m sure the numbers changed drastically once the good Doc quit stabbing and gouging my toe. 

Read a funny article about a real-life Barbie who wants to train herself to eventually live on just air and light and no food or water. *rolls eyes* And I can’t wait to train myself to fly! I’m gonna do it! You’ll see! Then I’ll fly right over your house and poop on it just like a bird! 

We noticed a funny smell in here. Why are we so haunted by bad smells? I asked Tom. The smell of death in Maricopa, rotting wood in Auburn, and now it’s sweaty socks. Turns out our humidifier needs to be treated with a conditioner to stop the smell. Tom tossed some vinegar in it and it smells fine now. 

Anyway, the rain has stopped and the sun is out, but the wind is still blowing. The wind chimes are pretty antsy out there right now.

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