Saturday, March 15, 2014

Love our new dishwasher! It’s pretty high-tech. Similar to the one we had in Maricopa only better. It has a compartment for the rinse agent and a thing that tells you when it’s full. You don’t have to add it every time you run a load, which is nice. 

We had our choice of white, black and stainless steel and we got blue. Seriously, LOL, it's the protective covering that's blue. I just thought it was such a pretty shade of blue that I left it on, even though I chose white. Stainless steel is too restaurant-ish, and dust and dirt show up too well on black. 

It’s plastic and not metal like our old one, so it won’t rust. I thought the other one was leaking due to a bad seal, but once we pulled it out we could see a tiny hole in back of it where it rusted out. Hard to believe it would do that after just 10-15 years, so more than likely it was the original, which would make it 30 years old. 

This one has two arms, unlike the other one, and more space between shelves, which will allow bulky items to fit in better. It also has a time delay. 

You would think things would get faster and not take as long with time, but this thing runs a long time. I guess they feel it does a better job if it takes longer by going through more wash and rinse cycles. The heavy cycle puts out 9.1 gallons of water, takes up to 2½ hours, and goes through 4 wash and 4 rinse cycles. The light cycle goes an hour and a half and uses 4.7 gallons with 2 wash and 2 rinse cycles. Most of the time we’ll use the normal cycle which goes 1¾ with 3 wash and 2 rinse cycles. I don’t see why it’s got a 15-minute rinse cycle, though. If you just want to rinse things wouldn’t it be easier to do so in the sink? 


The rats got a couple of toys from the dishwasher’s packaging. A strip of wood to chew on that I placed in their cage so they can run across it from level to level, plus a cloth covering they’re now using as a bed in their burrow. 

The FedEx lady delivered my realistic La Newborn Baby Boy doll and he sure is realistic, alright! He’s not quite as big as my girl baby doll, but he’s just as realistic. Still can’t believe he was just $23, though he’s regularly $45. The doll is supposed to be scented, but all I smelled was plastic. 

Got my incense too, and even though my musk incense smells powdery, it’s still nice. The others smell as they should smell. Today’s the day for my toe ring and “homeless” cow figurine. LOL, Andy thought “Holstein” cow was “homeless” at first glance. 

For dreams, I had one where I appeared on a talk show of some kind. Several people spoke to me in different languages to which I responded to in that language. 

In another dream, I was with a large group of people. Not sure if we were on some fun activity excursion or what, but as everyone was eagerly rushing to the pool in swimsuits, I suddenly realized I hadn’t gotten mine yet from the section where you were supposed to “borrow” them from. 

So the lady says, “I’ve got small, medium, large, x-large and xx-large. Take your pick. I requested the large and she looked at me and said, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like a medium?” 

“I’m sure,” I told her. “I have two huge floor-to-ceiling mirrors in the bedroom, plus a big mirror in the bathroom. I see myself every day, so I know how big I am and what my size is.” 

She finally gave me a simple red 1-piece suit and then I woke up trying to find a place to change into it in private, but there didn’t seem to be any such place.

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