Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just a quick entry before I get on with the grocery list and fleshing out the characters for my next book. That in itself can be quite a job. I’ve tossed around a few plot ideas in my mind over the last week, and now I’m pretty sure of where I want to take the story. So next it’s off to assign names, ages, roles, etc., to the lead characters. 

I never used to like reality TV because I believed that TV wasn’t supposed to be about reality, but more like an escape from reality. Lately, though, I really like some of the crime-related series. There’s one that features real 911 calls. One was a case of a woman alone in the country who shot and killed an intruder. What I don’t get is why she felt so bad about it afterward. I mean of course it was an unfortunate thing that no one wants to have happen to them. No one wants to be forced to kill someone who’s trying to kill them. But still… how do you feel bad about doing the right thing and defending yourself? It seems only natural. That’s why I don’t get why some women won’t fight back against an abusive guy. It only seems like a natural reflex to want to strike back just like it’s a natural reflex for us to blink if a bug or something starts to fly into our eyes. If it were me, it’d be a shitty experience to have to go through, but I wouldn’t feel any worse than I would for shooting a grizzly bear that was about to eat me alive. 

Another thing I don’t get is the foolishness of some of those with a gun being aimed at them. Like the guy that broke into the woman’s house. As the woman herself said, “All he had to do was stop coming toward me and he would’ve lived.” Why are so many people so dumb? The last thing one should do is challenge or dare someone holding a gun. That is so macho male-ish, too. Always gotta be a hero. Or try to be. To say, “You’re not really going to shoot me,” is ridiculous for if they weren’t seriously considering it they probably wouldn’t be holding the gun on you in the first place. If you’re dumb enough to dare them or to charge them then yes, you really will almost certainly end up getting shot. I know that if someone said, “Go ahead, bitch, shoot me,” I personally would obey that command. :) Especially if it were them or me.

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