Monday, March 17, 2014

My connection hiccups once a day or so and I really wish it would stop. It’s only for a few minutes and I suppose it happens to just about everyone at some point, but it’s annoying enough, even if it’s nothing like in Auburn. 

Went running at around 10am and by then it was getting warm and sunny, so I went sleeveless. It’s easier to run when the sun’s higher up in the sky as opposed to just rising or setting cuz then it’s not in my eyes as much. It’s also a great way to keep my Maui tan going, but I don’t think I can stand the heat when it gets over 70° since 70° in the direct sunlight isn’t really 70°, especially when you’re running. When it’s too hot I’ll do the treadmill or run late at night or early in the morning. 

Another “panel bee” was present last night. Yellow jackets are getting in through the oven’s vent somehow and caught in the drop ceiling. Tom’s going to have to screen off the vent up on the roof. I wonder if the bee catcher we got is defective. We caught tons of them with this thing at the other place. Here they didn’t seem to even know it was there. 

Remember how I said no place I move to stays quiet forever and that after 6 months or so something or someone disturbs the peace? Well, there’s this house a few houses down that’s been leaving their dog chained outdoors on their patio that does absolutely nothing at all to stop its barking. How fucking rude, huh? I totally feel for the people right next door. That’s gotta be annoying as hell, maybe even maddening. It’s got a loud bark. Have they forgotten that dogs must be brought in as pets only here and not yard ornaments? Bringing your dog outside for fresh air is fine. But you’re supposed to take responsibility for keeping it quiet… or aren’t you? Maybe Tom was right when he said I was wrong in thinking that the idea of an adult community was for a quieter place and that it’s really to be around people your own age. It’s still quieter here than in other places we’ve lived in the city, but it’s not literally “quiet” unless it’s at night. Meanwhile… thank goodness for sound machines because I’m probably going to need them to drown this mutt out till it starts going from warm to hot. 

Last night's dream was quick and senseless. I was in some small building that started off being surrounded by grassy fields. I got the impression I might've worked in whatever this building was. 

Outside I heard a guy say to a woman how he'd already fixed that toilet, and she insisted he didn't. 

Next thing I knew I was pulling a long extension cord out the doorway, but as I went to do so, I realized the grass had turned into an ocean. People were out paddling in canoes, and I could see a group of people on land toward the right, gathered to either go somewhere or partake in some kind of activity. The group was headed by an older woman in her 60s or so. She spotted me standing in the doorway holding the extension cord, unsure of what to do with it. She sort of looked at me and shrugged as if to say, "What can I tell you?"

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