Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My dreams seem to come in spurts lately. Where I didn’t have any for a few days, I had tons last night. 

Andy was in one where I said something like, “Don’t ever hesitate to file for disability benefits if you find you can’t work because of this.” I don’t know what “this” was, but I also said, “You’re not like me. I have a doctor who diagnosed my sleep disorder, says I can’t work, yet I can’t get my benefits reinstated that were wrongfully terminated just because I got married, and because I didn’t work enough years to qualify when all that should qualify me as being disabled. But you’re single and you worked a zillion years.” 

Then he got up from the wavy brown chair he had in Arizona that he eventually gave me, and asked if I wanted to watch his old soap operas with him. When I said no, he went ballistic on me, LOL. 

Worse was that I had a dream Nane died. It doesn't mean she’s going to die, though, but that something bad is likely to happen within 72 hours. It could be anything from a nasty cold to something much bigger. I don't remember how she died. The dream was very quick. 

In another dream, I was showing people this old doll I had, and someone said, “Too bad she’s not a little older and made of bisque because then she’d be worth 48 grand.” 

Then I ran into my parents and started dancing. LOL, I know it sounds funny, but as I approached them I was snapping my fingers and swinging to an imaginary beat of music. Once I got close enough to my mother I saw she had what looked like a mini chest with pea-sized food in it she was munching on. “What are these?” I asked her. 

“They’re Wilma nuts,” she said and told me they were caramel-covered nuts. 

I asked if I could try one and found the caramel to be very sticky. “I shouldn’t have anymore,” I said. “This stuff could rip fillings out.” 

Well, I didn’t awake to find any “Wilma” nuts in the house, but I awoke to find myself hungry as hell for the second day in a row. I’m still the same weight but what’s with all these late periods when I used to be like clockwork? If it isn’t menopause setting in, then I’m not sure what it is. 


The nights are still peaceful while the days are still annoying. It’s mostly door slamming and landscaping that’s the most annoying. Although they’re usually quiet about it, where could a couple of retirees possibly need to go 3 times in just 5 hours? Beginning at 8:30 it’s in and out and in and out next door, but everyone else rarely goes anywhere. 

We’re on for 70° today and 80° this weekend. Definitely going to be getting some fresh air in here. 

My appointment with the endocrinologist has been made for next month and will last an hour. What could they possibly want to do to me that takes an hour??? 

The more we discuss it, the more we’re likely to do the entire house in light-colored laminate flooring and add a large area rug to the living room. I want something like birch because lighter colors brighten up a room and things like drapes won’t clash with it as much as some of the flooring would have a reddish or orange tint to it. If we do this we’ll be pulling up these old floors and carpet ourselves, and of course we’re going to do the installation ourselves as well. We could go with vinyl tiles and really save money, but those aren’t as durable. 


I started proofreading again, even though I haven’t quite brought my Dream book up to date just yet. I’m at the end of our time in Phoenix when the Mexican bitch next door lied to the pigs by saying I called her a slur and went off on her company, both of which were total lies. I know it shouldn’t, but this still pisses me off. Hey, it’s a Mexican. That’s what blacks and Mexicans do. They play the race card. But in truth, while I would use racial slurs in my own journal I would never call anyone a name to their face any more than I would call someone dumb or fat, even if I thought it was true, because that'd just plain mean and unnecessary. I can see joking among friends, but this sicko was certainly never a friend. 

Curious by nature, I looked her up on Facebook and found a Debbie V in Phoenix that is probably her. Can’t tell for sure. The body type is right and I guess the hair and eyes are what I remembered them to be, but was she really only about 25 years old back in 1999? She graduated in 1992. The posts are what I’d expect of someone like her, lacking in intelligence and with a hint of aggression. 

Well, let’s see if she remembers my “white ass,” as she once put it, I thought, then I hesitated. Then I said to myself, no, I have just as much right as anyone else to speak my mind and I will not let anyone make a coward of me or violate my civil rights ever again. And so I asked her if she’d dare swear under a lie detector 15 years after the fact that I called her a racial slur. If she hasn’t been online, is ignoring me or didn’t get the message, I don’t know. I do know that the message went straight to her inbox and not her ‘other’ box, which I thought was a bit odd. 

It gets even stranger. I browsed her friend list and who should I find on it but a Kim W, the name of my first celly once I was pulled in from the tents. What, was the whole damn jail in this together? I wondered. After all, I always thought it was strange that I could never find her on the Arizona Inmate Locator site. The profile picture was too blurry to say it was her, but the hair color seemed right. 

Could she have been a cop and personal friend of the Mexicans even though she claimed she was an AB member? Why not? The black pig was the black bitch’s buddy. 

Then it hit me that Kim W could be an alias. Sure enough, the last name is fake. LOL, she looks terrible and is in on a flat maximum sentence for the same offenses as when I knew her in 2000 - drugs and armed robbery. She got caught in 2011, sentenced in 2012 and could be inside till 2017. Gosh, what a waste. She’s probably been in and out of jail and even prison since I last saw her. 

She had the intelligence to be a cop, but I never thought she, or any of my other cellies, were cops. Sorry, but nobody can act that well or pull off such an elaborate cover, so I always figured she was for real, alias or not. 

Anyway, the bitch is listed as having always been from Phoenix, so I guess that shoots the illegal theory. Why’d she run then? Too many warrants on her at the time? She was busted for forgery in 2003 and spent 3 years on probation, so maybe so. Still, I’m sure it was quite a picnic compared to what I went through. 

Was surprised to learn there are two people in the US with the black bitch’s name. She’s been fighting it out in family court for child support, on and off throughout the years.

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