Friday, March 7, 2014

“To most people, I can never do enough. To my dearest, I do way more than enough.” 

I can relate to the quote above. To Tom, I can do no wrong even when I make mistakes, and to others, I just can’t get it right. Well, to some others anyway, LOL. Like they say, someone somewhere is always going to have a problem with anything we say or do. If I were a God-lover I’d be criticized by those who believe as I do; that God lets an awful lot of bad things happen to an awful lot of people to deserve to be praised. If I were the one supporting Tom I’d be called a sucker for it. If I were retired I’d be told that age is just a number and I’m still wrong for not working. 

What if I had pet snakes? :) 

Surprise, surprise, though… I do work. It’s just online, not at a set time, and not for much money. But it’s work and so is housework. 

Where I do need to discipline myself is with working out. I’m in good shape but I want to get in even better shape even if I never lose the fat. At 1000 calories a day it’s doubtful that I ever will, so I’ll just aim for an average of 1500 calories a day plus 30-60 minutes of exercise. That’ll keep me where I’m at. 

Tell me, though… why do only half my legs look like a runner's legs? My calves are slim and muscled, but my thighs are positively flabby as hell and wider than this house. I guess that again, I’m eating too much to clear the fat and expose the muscle in that area. 

Our new dishwasher has been shipped. Tom said it should be easy enough to uninstall the old one and install the new one cuz it's not hardwired. It's just two hoses and a plug. 

I worried my readers when I said I got a rabbit and a blue parakeet from Amazon. Yeah, I forgot to add that they're made of plastic. People were like, you can buy animals on Amazon? Since when? LOL 

haha, I was trying to write Nane an email in German but my auto-corrector kept flipping the words to English. 

Anyway, I think I’ll run through another chapter. It takes about 5 minutes to read a chapter, so I prop my Kindle on the treadmill and do 5-minute running sprees. That’ll put me up to 15 minutes for the day.

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