Wednesday, February 8, 2017

 So Aly’s dating a woman, huh? At least that’s the impression I get from some of her tweets. Well, men dump her because they get sick of her constant problems and demands, so let’s see how long she can last with a woman.

Couldn’t resist messaging her on my-diary since there’s no block feature there for some strange reason. And no, I didn’t have anything nice to say. This is the only one of her many accounts she still has that I know of, only it’s private. Because we’ve exchanged messages from it in the past, she should still get my message unless she’s not checking that account or her notifications.

I was going to join Girlfriend Social, a place for women to meet other women in their area for platonic relationships, but then I stopped myself for the usual reasons.

  1. The type of person I would want to be friends with probably wouldn’t join a site like this.

  2. I remember those who dumped me and that I thought truly cared about me and seemed to accept me as I am.

  3. I don’t drive which would mean that all the driving would be on her, which most people would find unfair.

  4. I don’t need to be questioned or judged for things like my sleep disorder, driving phobia, not having a regular 9-to-5, and simply not being “normal.” Remember, I’m the one that has to live with these hardships.

  5. No relationship of any kind be it platonic or not has ever been able to be “forced,” arranged or planned in advance by me. Anyone I’ve ever been meant to meet was totally unplanned and unexpected. I totally believe without a doubt that in my case friendships and relationships can’t be “worked for.” They either happen on their own or they don’t. I wasn’t looking for Tom and I wasn’t looking for the friends I’ve met online. We simply met one day on or off-line and started talking. The rest played itself out on its own for the most part.


Yay, Tom has an interview for tomorrow! We don’t know that this could mean the difference between Florida and Hawaii, but it could mean the difference between working 50 hours a week vs. 40. He’ll settle for the same amount he would earn with OT, only without the OT.

Looks like he was right in his theory that the roof only leaked because it was so ferociously windy. The wind would’ve lifted the old adhesive on the shingles easily. After he did some research and shared it with me, the roofing won’t cost as much as I thought it would. For some reason, I thought it’d cost 10 grand or more, but we should be able to do it for 3-5 grand. Then we’re going to add solar panels. We knew we would be redoing the roof at some point during our time here, and if anything, it will give us more money in the end. It will up the value of the house for when we sell it in a decade or so, and they pay you for the energy you put back out. We just have to wait for drier weather. It doesn’t usually rain from late spring to early fall here.

Bob came over with 3 pieces of mail to us wanting to loan us 50K which was accidentally delivered to him. He opened them before realizing they were for us. No problem. We too, just open mail without looking at whom it’s addressed to.

Got a missed call from the medical group. Then when I checked online, I found Dr. G’s appointment was canceled. It would’ve been nice if someone had told me. I asked Dr. A if it was just an error or if it was really canceled. I told her I haven’t had any anxiety, but am still having constant water retention and sore boobies.

I spotted yesterday and now I’m having a light flow. So I guess the damn will burst tomorrow. Not at all a good sign. I really thought my periods would have stopped, lightened up, or gotten further apart by now. Not come a day early two months in a row. It’s like I’ve gone from perimenopause to a permanent case of PMS with periods. :(

I was on a small boat at night and the lights on the boat were off. There was a full moon and the moonlight glistening upon the ocean was a beautiful scene. Scattered about the water were other Yachts. I saw some kids running around on one of them off in the distance.

The lights of the boat I was on suddenly came on and everyone was freaking out because their luggage had been stolen or swapped while the lights were out. I looked down at the purse I was holding and saw that it was someone else’s.

The next dream was the most interesting in a funny and weird kind of way. It was longer and more detailed. We were cruising again in what looked to be the same stateroom we had the last time. It was getting pretty late and Tom went to bed. Not ready for sleep, I was out and about somewhere for a while, and then I returned to our room. In the darkened room, a woman rose from the floor at the foot of the bed and started to explain why she was there. Tom then got out of bed and explained along with her that there had been a fire at one end of the ship that damaged several rooms. Therefore, people were asked if they would accommodate those who lost their rooms.

The woman was about 5’6”, skinny, with blue eyes and long silver hair a few inches past her shoulders. She appeared to be in her mid-50s and was between average and pleasant-looking. She introduced herself as “Meadow.” She said she’d seen me around before, but I didn’t remember seeing her. She was a traveling nurse who wasn’t sure where she was heading but said she had plenty of money in savings to get a place right away no matter where she ended up.


This delayed flushing shit is pissing me off. I could have flushed the toilet the old-fashioned way twice in the same amount of time. Something’s wrong with the sensor for me to have to wave my hand in front of it for 5 seconds before it will finally flush.

I seriously hope that when Wade vs. Roe is overturned, and it seems likely these days, women not only start dying like crazy from self-abortions but that those that have them kill them, film it, send it to those that overturned it, and make an example of what will happen when they fuck with women’s rights/bodies. I say let them watch in horror the consequences of setting them back 50 years. It was never about them giving a shit about babies, born or unborn; it’s about control over women. That’s all it is. Nothing more, nothing less.

Many people believe that marriage equality will also be overturned and sent back in time. It’s just a signature on a piece of paper after all, and technically, anybody in charge can sign anything into law or back out of law if they have enough people backing them. It’s all a matter of who’s in charge. Murder could become legal if people push it hard enough.

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