Sunday, August 20, 2017

Balance is crucial. Like I was saying on Facebook, I love how some shows are weeding out negative subjects like racism and homophobia from their shows, not to deny they exist (especially homophobia) since denial isn’t any better than dwelling on negativity, but to separate political issues from entertainment and give us a break for once. Focus too much on the negative and not enough on the positive and it can really bring you down.

In general, I’ve been up lately. I guess my hormones are behaving. We’ll see how long that lasts. :-) Six more days and I’ll be two months late for my period. The longest I’ve gone is something like 3.5 months. If I can make it to the end of the year… oh, how tempting it is to get my hopes up even though I know I shouldn’t.

I’m not sure what’s going on with the car yet and whether or not he can fix the leak himself. As he said, he hates to throw away a few hundred dollars if he can fix it himself. I guess it will just depend on how time-consuming it is. I’ll find out when he gets up and we go to Denny’s. We haven’t treated ourselves in a while so that’s where we’re going. Pancakes, eggs and steak fries here I come!

I was up 19 hours and slept for 6 so I’m a little tired today. That’s why I get out and walk every chance I get as I never know which days I’m not going to have the energy for it. I don’t know that I’ll have the energy for cleaning or Bowflexing either. I’m just working on stories and journals instead and decided that yes, I’m going to have private copies on Blogger and LiveJournal as well as Prosebox after they’re run through Grammarly. The plan is to turn them public when I die. It will be a little treasure that I’ll leave the world someday. I don’t know if anyone will ever see them, but while I don’t care what happens to my body or my stuff after I die, I still get a kick out of the idea of someone reading about my life 1000 years from now.

While I can’t weed out every single last name, I’ve gone and weeded out the last names of people I know as well as those that legally screwed me just to play it safe in case they were ever hacked. It isn’t that anything I’ve written could get me in trouble but if anyone Googled themselves and hit upon the journals and found their full names, they could have it taken down.

Speaking of getting a good laugh on my way out of this world, I can’t wait to contact and threaten certain people. Not to get things off my chest or because I think it will change anything or that it can undo the past so much as to get a kick out of knowing how sure they’ll be that they have my ass all over again just to find me, well, pretty unavailable.

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