Wednesday, August 16, 2017

While the violence perpetrated by the KKK is a horrible thing indeed, the dual standards and unfair reporting really piss me off at times. Whenever it’s blacks protesting and committing violent acts, people are quick to make excuses for them. Rarely are they called racist, radical, “privileged,” etc. But when it’s white people spearheading a violent movement, they’re nothing but the lowest scum on earth.

I think it’s pretty sad that people fail to keep in mind that not all blacks are innocent any more than all whites are privileged. Having legally been discriminated against by black people 17 years ago, I should know, and my case is far from unique, especially in the West. I ended up losing half a year of freedom, thousands of dollars, hundreds of hours of sleep, and a whole lot more. So don’t give me no shit about white people being oh so privileged because we’re not always guaranteed “privilege” any more than every single black person is as innocent as a newborn babe. Yet the media makes it seem that way along with many of the comments I’ve read on various sites and it just makes me sick. This is part of why I try to avoid the headlines; because they’re filled with so much negativity that it only leaves me angry or depressed. Some things, however, are so in my face that it’s hard to avoid. You can stop going to certain people’s profiles so you don’t have to be reminded of people/subjects you’d rather not be reminded of, but you can’t avoid the Internet as a whole if you want to go anywhere online at all.

I’m not just tired of the unfair portrayals, but I’m just sick of the same old race shit decade after decade. I realize that if it hasn’t ended yet, it likely never will. I wish I could get used to having to hear about it over and over again, as well as the dual standards because hey, life isn’t fair after all. But there’s only so much of the shit I can take before it really gets to me and I feel compelled to remind people that not all blacks are victims, and yes, a white person really can be victimized by blacks as well. You just won’t hear about it as much because the media isn’t as quick to make such a big deal out of it or give it the kind of attention that it gets when the colors are the other way around.

I’m against hate groups of any kind be it the KKK or BLM. It’s okay to not like someone. It’s even okay to hate their guts. Hey, I hate spiders with a passion. But that doesn’t mean I should have a right to form groups that encourage violence, whether the media covers it fairly or not. It would be nice if we could just like, love or hate whoever we’re going to like, love or hate without the violence, but I’m starting to doubt this will ever happen.

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