Saturday, August 19, 2017

No call or messages online, so no infection.

Sometimes I wish I was starting all over with the online journal. There would be two things I would do differently. One would be to separate my journals from those I actually know. I might share things on Facebook every now and then, but I would keep my regular journal secret from anyone I know, change names, and then not have to worry about censoring as much.

Two is that I might even be tempted to disallow comments, although that would mean no socializing. Socializing can have its issues as Aly, Kim, and Molly taught me, but it can also have its benefits. Just the way “Storm” has been catching things that Grammarly and I have been missing is really helpful.

I thought about creating a bogus account for old journals, but changing the names of people and businesses as well as locations is quite a bit of work. I wouldn’t change them so much because they could get me in trouble but because that would be the only way for it to truly be anonymous, and even then, some people may figure out who I am.

Anyway, I’ve gone around various sites where I’ve shared journal links and began pulling the links, detangling other sites from them. Even if I have nothing bad to say, I’m still not sure I like the possibility, however remote it may be, of any of my doctors reading me. So many browsers have built-in tracking blockers these days. Just because I appear to rarely get any visitors from NorCal, doesn’t mean I don’t.

I finished running all my stories through Grammarly. Now I’m going to begin editing the first one I’m going to publish, which is going to be Locked In. Then Tom can review it.

I’m still editing journals. I’m up to 1992. When I went through the shit with getting in trouble for prank phone calls, I was like OMG. The way the South Deerfield Police Department and the media handled it was bullshit. Just utter fucking bullshit. Same with Laurie and the Springfield Police Department and their lies, even if I’ll always appreciate whoever the hell kept expunging my record. Still, with all the criminals that actually do things and that actually harm people, they had to focus all that time and attention on me as if I was some dangerous criminal out of control. Was that really necessary? And was it really necessary for the media, just like in Arizona, to automatically take the word of the so-called victim without verifying anything first? Everything was all about whatever Maliheh and the chief felt like saying, which had little to do with what actually happened.

Had Laurie given me a chance, she’d have seen that I would’ve called her at decent hours as she herself requested that I do. But no, she had to get all vindictive and threaten me with ultimatums – report to the PD or get arrested. She probably wanted to actually see me, though, to see if she recognized me from anywhere.

I still wonder, just out of sheer curiosity, if she was/is gay. The rage she flew into when she realized why I was calling suggests not, along with Kim overhearing her say that when she had kids she wouldn’t want them raised in Springfield. But she sounded and acted lesbian, and then she claimed to be in an intimate relationship with someone named Donna when I sicced Andy on her.

It was so fucking asinine that for a split second I considered calling them out in my blog, but most of those involved are probably retired now, and I don’t want to stoop to their immature level when I could spend my time more wisely.


The results are in. No bacteria, yeast or piss infections. I figured as much. Other than the occasional aches and pains I’ve been feeling good the last couple of days. Good energy, calm nerves. As soon as it cools down out there I’m going out running.

Thought of a really cool story idea where a patient is telling her therapist that she was traumatized by a stalker, and even though the stalker has since backed off she still has issues because of it. Then the therapist, obsessed with some of her patients as she is, can send threatening letters and leave scary gifts and stuff like that outside her door.

As a suspense writer, what better way to invade someone’s life than with someone who knows all your secrets and your deepest, darkest fears?

Maybe that can be my November NaNo project, though I don’t know that I’ll be up for a hard word count of 50K minimum. Especially since I’m editing about 30 stories of mine for Amazon publication. I’ll be going through Locked-In tonight, then maybe Shane. These two were pretty popular amongst those who test-read them for me, along with a handful of others like Renting Ginny.

One of my draft readers made a comment about one of the characters in one of my books stepping into psycho.

Stepping into psycho.

Love that so much that I think I might use it as a future book title!

Anyway, if there are still typos and other discrepancies with me doing a total of three or four read-throughs, Tom reading through it, plus some of my followers and the lady who has been my editor lately, then I’ll never get rid of them all. It’s tougher than you think to get rid of all of them. I always hear a few in just about all my audiobooks. They’re tough to kill completely, much like cockroaches. This entry probably has at least one.

I got caught up on Criminal Minds on Netflix, so now I’m watching Gypsy. It’s good so far, but a little slow at times. Not very realistic, though. There’s a therapist that’s interested in one of her patient’s girlfriends. If lesbians were that feminine I wouldn’t have spent so much time alone before I met Tom. Also, there was a 20-year age difference, and a therapist isn’t likely to go for a barista because they would see them as beneath them. Think I don’t know that Stacey saying she wouldn’t have liked me as a partner wasn’t because I don’t have a career similar to hers?

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