Thursday, December 14, 2017

Eileen said she didn’t get her gifts, and Tammy’s ignoring me again. Really hope they arrive today!

For the last two days, I’ve basically been too lazy to exercise. Well, more like discouraged. I know I should do it every day that I have the energy for it because it’s only a matter of time before my sleep gets shorted due to traffic or just because. I know I should also do it for all the other benefits and not just stop simply because I won’t lose weight from exercise alone. Bob and I were talking about that the other day and how exercise alone isn’t enough. Calories must be cut but we both like to eat, not that he has an ounce of fat on him. Virginia does and is considerably bigger than me but not Bob. It was silly of me to think I could lose weight by working out more without changing my eating habits. It might work initially for someone who’s 100 pounds overweight perhaps, but not for one who’s 30.

There’s a faint dark spot on my large monitor that’s noticeable but not enough to deter me from using it. The giant 32-inch screen spoils you and makes it hard to go back to a 15-inch monitor which my laptop is and which is connected to it. But it would be easier if I could rely on just the laptop alone because that would be easier to move around the house if I didn’t have to plug in and unplug cables. I’ll make that decision when it goes out completely but I don’t think it will anytime soon.

I love how I can check and see what mail we’re getting for the day to see if it’s worth going down to the mailbox or not. I usually go anyway because I like to walk and that way I can see Bob and Virginia if they’re out and about at that time. I still can’t believe she didn’t know that Mr. Twenties got hit.

I’m making separate storybooks on PB for my stories rather than having them in one giant entry in just one book as it makes editing easier that way. I’ll edit a chapter and throw it in an entry. Makes it easier to tell where I left off.

We got a pair of color-changing LED Smart bulbs and put one in the hall and the other in the master bathroom. They look really cool. I just wish I could get them to transition slower when cycling through the colors.

Shit! I’m spotting again. Maybe I really do have uterine cancer which my GYN warned me I have a risk of. Well, I’m not going back to her. I’ve had enough appointments! Just my regular maintenance ones are enough as it is. Besides, there’s a risk of a media right crashing down on my head and I gotta die someday anyway. Seriously, I’m sure it isn’t that. It’s just part of me having to have the longest, severe drawn-out perimenopause possible because Jodi S always has to have things as rough as they can possibly be as she never gets any breaks in life. Not that many anyway. Meanwhile, back on the thong liners I go.

Yesterday my crotch was burning so bad I wanted to claw my pussy off and toss it in the trash. I just don’t understand how I can burn after two weeks of not using the ointment. I guess some things just take time to heal. It’s better so far today but that doesn’t mean it won’t start burning again in five minutes. It comes and goes at random. The diaper rash ointment helps.

I noticed that Ray didn’t leave any comments on the thread I started on Jon’s wall about getting hit. Because I started the post?

Okay, I worked out 8 minutes today, so I can’t say I did nothing at all. Plus, I may go outside and hit the Bowflex later. Cleaning is kind of physical, too.

The loud car still hasn’t returned to live here and I still wonder if it’s because of my anonymous complaint. The timing sure is a coincidence. If it is because of me, how long will it take for the repercussions to begin? I know the rules… It’s perfectly okay for others to report people and maybe even get them in trouble but me? I’m “karmatized” as if I did something wrong and it was mean of me to have the nerve to report someone who was breaking any rules. I still wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if Johnson lost her job due to my letter and that’s part of why Tom lost his.

Last night I dreamed I was walking by his closed bedroom door shortly after he went to bed and heard him talking to himself as he was settling into sleep.

“Oh, no hurry,” he said at one point.

Then my niece Jennifer was still a kid and approached me to check out some picture I was holding of her. She wanted to know if it was a certain picture, but then she started to walk away. As she did so I said, “Every time I see you you get a little taller but you haven’t grown the last few times which makes me think you’re going to be short.”

Her reply was something inaudible.

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