Saturday, December 30, 2017

So I go to check out my journal notes and this is what I see: hey there just thought it would say hi I don’t know if this is coming out so you have to let me know I plan back on my phone and I could hear it but it sounded rather soft so let me know how it sounds to you K bye-bye actually it sounded a lot better as long as I held the phone close to me anyway I don’t want to pester you with too many messages but I did promise I recall or leave a voice message of sometimes so here I am I hope that you’re doing better and that you said you had an appointment yesterday really hope that went well and that things are going to be looking up for you hey take care detective

That’s what I get for leaving speech-to-text running while I was leaving my message, LOL. At least it got most of what I was saying!

Was actually having fun sending several people voice messages on Facebook Messenger, and then I got an appointment reminder from the hematologist on the second. Even though I’m 110% sure I don’t have cancer, there was something rather chilling about getting a call from the San Juan Cancer Center. Just hearing that put the chill in me.

Although it runs horribly slow, is glitchy, and the webmaster or host will probably shut it down sooner or later because it’s been abandoned, I’ve been addicted to Bubbly. A part of me wishes I didn’t mention it to Kim and Aly so I could feel like I have more freedom with what I say. But then neither of them seemed the least bit interested in following me there anyway, according to the number of listens my posts have gotten. So unless there’s a way to get around that, I’m not worried about it. I would like it a lot less if Tammy and Marie knew about it.

Soon I plan to make a list of topics and draw from them randomly when I don’t have anything to discuss that’s going on in the present. I love decorating the posts with nature and animal pics.

Although the guy was two hours late, the power steering hose is now fixed. Tom picked up some bulk items at Sam’s yesterday like wet wipes and paper towels as well as food items for himself but wasn’t able to get the tires changed because they were booked up. He made an appointment to get that done tomorrow morning at 8 o’clock at Sam’s. I’m going to go with him and browse around while they’re changing them. We’ll get our groceries on Sunday instead.

Today I’m expecting my blueberry coffee, my X-rated coloring book, and the thing I’m looking forward to trying the most. That would be that kids’ sparkly nail polish that peels off. I'm really curious to see what that’s like. It comes in 18 different colors but since it’s kids’ stuff and it was cheap it’s probably little more than glitter in clear nail polish. There’s probably more color in the bottle than what will appear on my nails. But we’ll see! I just don’t know if it will be delivered before I crash at around 2 PM.

We need to order Roomba a new battery. We talked about getting a newer Roomba but we have enough going on right now in the way of expenses so we’ll probably just get a battery but this will be the last one. Then we’ll upgrade.

I’ll also be getting the rats what they call fat quarters to make hammocks out of. It’s material used for quilting and it’s much cheaper this way. I can get 8 hammocks out of $14. The material I chose is pretty too. Pretty floral designs.

I told Eileen that there was something she could do that would mean a lot more to me than her sending money for the incense and that was to buy and leave a review on at least one of my books since I STILL don’t have any. Yeah, I’m really getting sick of the false promises. Like REALLY sick of it. If you don’t want to buy my fucking books, fine, then don’t. Just please stop saying you will. I’m not everybody’s cup of tea. I get that. But why tell someone you’re going to buy something of theirs when you know damn well you’re not? Anyway, I told Eileen that it has to be strictly up to her and I have no problem at all if she’s either not interested or doesn’t have time for reading. She got the message but I haven’t heard back from her yet.

The girls did notify me after all that they got the incense and Becky said she was just getting into incense so she really appreciated it. They both did. I was glad to hear this. Especially since I sent her a gift that only Sarah could use after she had her accident. Now they both can use this.

Despite being friends again, Kim is still on her blocking spree. I understand what it’s about, though. She’s doing it for privacy. I sometimes block some people on my secondary PB account just so I can hope to be a little more anonymous. I get that not everyone wants everyone connected to every account they have. It still seems a little extreme for a private Facebook account, though. When I checked it out from Tom’s account I couldn’t see anything so it’s definitely private. So then why block me? Then again, she did say something about being impersonated so maybe it’s not her. No big deal either way. I just thought it was a bit strange.

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