Thursday, December 7, 2017

Yay for Australia for legalizing gay marriage! I was surprised to learn that they’re the 25th country to legalize it. With so many haters out there I didn’t think there were that many countries. But then 25 isn’t much when you consider how many countries there are, and I can’t believe countries dominated by Middle Easterners or Hispanics/Latins would ever legalize it or Africa. Funny how those who claim to be the most discriminated against can be so hateful themselves, huh? Wouldn’t it be wonderful if they could show the same tolerance they expect of others?

Just when I thought my energy had returned, shortly after my last entry I ended up going down for a nap for about an hour. The rest of the day I felt fatigued. I am getting so sick of this! I’m just tired of being tired. I miss my old energy. How am I going to ever know if working out an hour a day is going to make a difference with my weight if half of the time I’m too damn tired to do it in the first place? I’m taking advantage of this burst of energy and I’m on the skier now as I do this entry, knowing full well that within an hour or so I’m going to be tired for the rest of the day.

I have an appointment with the dermatologist scheduled for March 12.

Nearly 2 weeks later I’m still hoping for a full-blown period instead of just spotting so I can get this water off of me and relieve the soreness in my boobs, and while it is picking up a little, it’s still not enough for a big pad.

Thoughts of an Introvert. I noticed there’s a new user with that name and it seems like a name Aly would choose. Well, they haven’t blocked me but if they’ve written anything they’re obviously going FO.

What I find strange about the birthday wish, however kind it was, is that she tweeted it to herself and not me directly. Was she just curious to see if I was still following her? She said she didn’t know if I was still on Twitter and that if I saw that, happy birthday. Again, that’s really nice of her but why couldn’t she tell me this directly? So, out of curiosity, I tweeted to her but not directly and said that I hope she’s doing better. If she saw it, she’s ignoring it. I get the feeling that she wants to make amends without being friends again. If she really wasn’t sure I was still on Twitter, why didn’t she take the time to look? She knows I’m reconnected with Kim. I don’t want to bother with anyone that doesn’t want to bother with me so I’ll keep my distance rather than start following her or tweeting regularly to her unless anything changes. I still greatly appreciate the birthday wish, though!


My period is picking up a bit and so are my energy levels - yes!

I had many detailed dreams last time around and I even slept better too, so I’m kind of surprised I remember so many dreams.

I was walking along a sidewalk somewhere. There was a scattering of people walking as well. Some were seated at these round tables in a nearby grassy area. As I walked by one of the tables at which two men sat, I overheard one guy saying they were molested as a kid and how they went on to become a rapist. For a minute I considered stopping to give them a beatdown, but instead, I took my hair down and pulled the stray hairs out of the elastic it had been bound with.

In the next dream, I had a gun with a laser sight in my hands. Not sure where I was or why I had it, though.

Then I had a dream that Linda Ronstadt died and I was in the cellar of my childhood home sitting on a couch watching TV. A German Shepherd came up to me and placed its head in my lap affectionately. I patted its back but the size of the thing was making me nervous.

“Want to go upstairs?” I asked it, and it seemed to know what I was saying and began to wag its tail in anticipation.

So I ran up the stairs but the stairs turned into a ladder at the very top with far-spaced rungs. The dog became a tiny thing barely bigger than my rat and somehow clung to the wall. It was dark and I couldn’t see well. I was becoming scared as I began to doubt whether or not I could climb up into the kitchen. I considered calling out to my dad, asleep upstairs.

The last dream was seen through the eyes of this guy who let himself into some apartment in a large building. He entered the place, sat down on the couch opposite the door, and called his girlfriend. He assumed she mailed him the key to the apartment that she supposedly rented recently. But the woman was telling him that that wasn’t her apartment and that hers was on the 6th floor, not the 10th.

The guy became both confused and concerned when a black teen suddenly entered the place. Not wanting to get caught up in any trouble he scared the kid off and left the place, leaving the key in the door.

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