Saturday, December 16, 2017

“I don’t have to diet anymore,” Tom informed me when he got home. “I now weigh less than you do. I’m 123 pounds.”

LOL, apparently the scale won’t register correctly on the foam tiles. I saw what he meant when it tried to tell me I was 939 pounds.

Well, I’m never dieting again no matter what it says. I’m going to eat when I’m hungry and leave the rest up to fate. Not half-starve myself for a year to lose weight that will only come right back.

My new purple nightgown fits perfectly. It’s a size medium. Small would probably fit but it might be a bit snug. Better to have a little extra room than not quite enough.

I went out and had Nikki trim a half-inch off my hair this afternoon. On the way out of the park, I looked to see if the guy was in the corner window of one of the corner houses down by the RVs. I don’t know who he is but we always wave to each other whether I’m on foot or in the car.

Nikki loved my rat leggings. Somehow I’m not surprised that someone who would wear their hair purple would like my rather eccentric attire.

Other than some back flies and ab crunches to keep my core strong, I’m being pretty lazy today. We’re both loving the relaxation. He did, however, work four hours in the morning to get extra money for the new car tires the car needs and then picked up groceries on the way home. As always, they fucked a couple of things up.

So we pretty much only did some minor things around here today. He screwed a cup hook into the side of my desk to hang my camera on, and one on the side of the headboard/shelves in the bedroom to hang my pink earbuds on.

Although I decided to put Tammy’s statin advice off for now, I figured it couldn’t hurt to take the baby aspirin she recommended as an extra measure of protection against strokes and heart attacks, and I like cherry flavor, so it won’t be like having to swallow an extra pill. They’re chewable since they’re for kids.

I exchanged messages with Kim and Aly again today and I reckon we will most days like old times. Kim may be annoying and not all there in a funny kind of way but she sure is reliable and helpful when it comes to testing for me. I was wondering if I could save pictures privately that I would later use in journal notes for Tammy and have them still be visible to her so I tested one out in a message to Kim and she verified that she could see it. It wouldn’t be much of a surprise to Tammy if I added pictures to journals that she had seen before, depending on how many of my posts she saw. I don’t know if she sees everything or if she just catches what’s on top of the feed like I usually do.

Aly has been through so much shit healthwise and we were filling each other in on what’s been going on with us. Just like my old endo withheld information from me (not warning me about pocket flares and how it can affect how the medication affects me) and then blew off my complaints about it later on, her first hematologist withheld info about things not covered by her insurance. She made it clear up front that she wanted to go with pills or injections rather than transfusions and she had to get another doctor who would be more helpful to her. She still has bad eczema, though I’m relieved to know that no, she’s not dying of cancer and she doesn’t need stem cell surgery.

She now lives in an apartment with her boyfriend and she’s an owned submissive while he’s “Master Jase.” While I totally don’t get the BDSM lifestyle, I don’t judge. It’s consensual. They’re adults. That’s all that matters. The apartment is often lacking in heat and Wi-Fi, though, so they’re going to be moving.

I was pleasantly surprised that Becky “liked” one of my posts. I don’t expect it to happen very often but it’s nice when it does. I “liked” something of hers and Sarah’s and I really did like it. It was pics of their trip to see the manatees.

Regardless of my feelings toward their father, I just think it’s kind of sad that every few days they’re dwelling on him through group posts about how they miss him and think they’ll see him again someday and that he’s up there looking out for them and all that shit. Can that really be helpful to them? One can move on without forgetting or obsessing, can’t they? IDK, everybody’s different so maybe it is therapeutic for them. I still don’t actively follow them because I can’t stand to see any pictures or other reminders of the fucking cock. I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m mostly unforgiving. Besides, repetition drives me crazy.

While I’m still spotting, I’m amazed to say that I haven’t had any burning or itching in the crotch for a few days now. I know it won’t last long, though. It’ll be back before the end of the year.

I had a dream that I went next door and instead of a very neat and sparsely decorated place, the place was cluttered as hell. Virginia sat on a dumpy-looking unmade twin bed instead of a tidy couch. I saw that she collected dolls too, and that they were scattered throughout tons of shelves that adorned the walls.

Then I had an even weirder dream of being in my grandparents’ home back east. We must have lived there or something. I was in the house alone and it was nighttime. I sat in the dark on the couch by the front door. In real life that house had a low wall between the door and the living room. Not in the dream, though. I sat there waiting for Tom to come home and I began to feel spooked. I got up and stepped towards the stairs that led down to the basement, thinking I might have seen something strange in the shadows in the stairwell.

I then ran out the front door, called Tom and asked when he would be home. Rather than showing any concern for me, he sounded very irritated. In real life, I would have stepped out onto a cement porch/stoop, but in the dream, I was on a wooden deck and there was a full set of stairs leading down to the ground. I looked over the rail and saw two puppies chasing each other happily on the grass below. I proceeded to go down the stairs but then these strange mosquitoes started biting me.

It was a weird dream that left me creeped out afterward but I fell back asleep soon enough.

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