Saturday, January 6, 2018

Argh! Tammy’s “God” really needs to give her a fucking break in life. For once! Seriously if there’s anything up there that’s not against her it certainly isn’t for her either. She messaged me to say that she’d been rushed to the hospital Friday morning and has been there ever since and probably will be until Monday. She’s got pneumonia. I thought she and the girls all had colds and that she sounded better the last time she left me a VM, but apparently, she never got better.

Really wish she’d quit smoking. The weight gain is worth all the benefits she’d get. I’ve been fat ever since I quit 30 years ago and that’s okay. I can breathe, I’m resistant to colds and other illnesses, and I’ve saved so much money over the years.

Okay, this is too fucking weird. Even if I were the type that didn’t believe in coincidences, there’s no way I could possibly think that this was a coincidence!

Before I get into it, I was really curious as to what Aly would think of this one. So cool that I can go to her with things like this again, too. I really missed being able to go to her for opinions.

Well, I left a comment on a news article and who should comment on my comment but Dr. O’s gay son Peter! That can’t possibly be a coincidence out of all the millions of Facebook users. My research shows her having two daughters and a gay son in New York. I know it’s the same one. It’s got to be. It was definitely her who got the message I sent a few years ago and then the one who viewed my blog from the same place they live in when she told me she was on vacation on the health site and was just checking in, etc.

So anyway, I requested to add him and he said his mother wasn’t a doctor. My intuitive side, besides what I just said in the last paragraph, said he was lying for some reason. Yet he told me I didn’t seem like a threat at all since he was a gay male, now in Iowa, and so he would add me. I told him that as a bisexual woman happily married for 23 years, I was definitely not a threat, but that he didn’t have to add me or anything.

Yet he did, and then we talked weather before he asked me if I was a gamer or a Facebook lurker. When I said neither and that I was an author, I found I was blocked right after I sent him a link to my book page. My first thought was that Facebook thought I was sending spam and blocked me from sending messages. But then I realized I couldn’t view his profile and doubted that Facebook would block me from him altogether. Especially after adding each other.

The question is how he found me and why he commented on one of my comments! He had to have been looking for me specifically. Unless he read his mother’s private messages or she gave him my name, which I highly doubt, did I show up on his ‘people you may know’ section after I checked him out a year or two ago? I didn’t think that’s how it worked, though. I think when we look at someone’s profile they end up on our ‘people you may know’ section. Not the other way around. So then HOW did he find me, WHY did he comment on my comment, and WHY did he block me after adding me???

Before I was blocked I did leave a “thank you for adding me” note on his wall. Could it be some grand and amazing coincidence after all and could the good Doc have spotted my post before she told him who I was and urged him to block me?

Curious to see if I got a reaction from the doctor, I sent the same message to two accounts that I believe are hers. Leaving out the part about being blocked, I said I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t uncomfortable with us being friends and told her I was doing better.

Aly agrees it’s no coincidence and that I probably was blocked by him and not by Facebook for suspected spam. I sent Becky a message about it too, to get her opinion on the matter.

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