Tuesday, January 16, 2018

I was reading about Nostradamus’s predictions for 2018. Sorry guy, but you’re just too general with your predictions to be taken all that seriously.

He talks about earthquakes and natural disasters but these things happen every year all over the world, some years worse than others. Yes, the world will likely end someday and maybe due to war, but I don’t see it happening anytime soon. I think we’re still 100-200 years away from that. Or maybe it won’t be a war that ultimately ends the world. Maybe it will be some disease that spreads quickly that we can’t control. Anything is possible, but I don’t see the economy collapsing and World War III happening this year.

I do cringe a bit every time our wonderful president goes on one of his bullying sprees. I mean he’s how old? To see “leaders” with this degree of immaturity is really sad. I still can’t believe, with all the obsession with political correctness and bleeding hearts for minorities, that this cock still managed to get elected. Then again, he didn’t “win.” Hillary actually got more votes. I’ll never understand for the life of me why some could be against Hillary over some emails while they welcomed this woman-hating pervert.

Most of us are willing to admit and accept that some breeds of dogs tend to be more trouble than others. So then why can’t we admit that some groups of people tend to be more trouble than others? Well, we can’t. That’s why it still stuns me to this day that such a hater got elected.

ROTFL! Tammy says my new shoes are ugly. Gotta love that girl’s honesty.

I was contacted by Caitlyn and given the YouTube channel link to the series she’s featuring me in. I had to laugh when she mentioned me being in my 50s and so I’ve lived a “long time.” LOL, yeah, compared to a 14-year-old. It was cool to hear my journal read and to be part of her series. She just needs to raise the volume. She’s got good potential as a narrator, though. It was just a bit of a struggle to hear her.

It’s a wet morning out there but not that cold. We went walking down to the lake and got back just in time because it started pouring after that. I don’t mind getting caught in the rain but not when it’s cold. That’s something I don’t mind in the summer only it almost never rains here in the summer.

My goal is to have Evil Amongst the Evergreens republished the weekend of the 27th-28th with the edited version and new cover design. I think I can get it into my publishers at Amazon by then. It’s just that I still prefer to do my own editing as much as I hate it. It’s the most tedious part of writing a book. Of course I tipped Maliheh off just to worry her a bit at the two email addies I know of hers.

Yesterday I was slightly anxious for the first eight hours or so of my day. I don’t know if I’m pocket-flaring or if it’s the perimenopause. Even though I’m through the worst of it, it’s certainly not 100% gone. Today I’m better, though not as calm as I’d like. I figured it would be back to haunt me soon enough, only I’m smarter now. I’ll skip my meds if I have to in order to keep it from getting worse and to the point where my heart gets in on the action and I have the runs. I took it today but I cut my waiting time to 20 minutes before diving into my coffee. Loving the new coffee maker so far. It has a bigger reservoir and it seems to heat up faster.

Waiting for the sun to come up a bit and then I’ll finish with today’s cleaning and get to work editing as well as on my current book which I’m still writing. So I’m editing an old book while writing a new book. It keeps me busy. At the end of the day, I’ll indulge in audiobooks and coloring. I didn’t realize my Only Girls coloring book was as explicit as it is, haha. After I get a few more that I want to get I’ll probably just print out my own coloring pages. They have millions of them on Pinterest and this way I can get exactly what I want. Each book I get has some pages I don’t care for. I don’t like overly detailed ones.

For now, I’m just enjoying the peace until the daily onslaught of landscaping and traffic sounds come to steal the peace.

Palma doesn’t appear to have been on Facebook yet this year unless she’s posted anything I can’t see. Either way, I know I’m not going to hear from her any more than I’ll ever hear from Kathleen. I just hope she at least gets my message.

I swear my sleep is cursed no matter what. I woke up because Tom accidentally told Alexa to turn on the bedroom light. Either that or Alexa thought “rat room” was “rainbow.” We should change one of those room names since they’re too similar. For now, I’ll flip that switch off before I crash. I also woke up several other times and not due to traffic. There’s no doubt in my mind my sleep is cursed. I just don’t know why. Because I don’t have to get up to an alarm regularly? I don’t know about that because I have sleep issues stemming back to childhood. Unless there is an afterlife in which we learn all the answers to the mysteries of this life, I’ll probably never know. It’s just more than obvious given the excessive amount of sleep disturbances over so many decades that yeah, it’s cursed.

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