Saturday, January 13, 2018

That’s TWICE this week that I’ve been woken up. This is fucking ridiculous. Worst place I ever slept. At least since knowing Tom, it is if you don’t count jail or hotels. The windows were a complete waste of time and money. :(

If I don’t hear from Palma over the next couple of weeks I’ll share one of her memes and tag her in it with a message asking her to check her non-friend inbox which is something not everyone does. From what I can see of her timeline which seems to be mostly public, she shares stuff every few days to every month. Her whole life must be her job and kids so I doubt she has much free time for social media. This means that even if she does check messages from non-friends, it could be a while.

While I still wish one of the more memorable people from my past would contact ME for once on their own, it would still be nice to get some type of acknowledgment/reply even though I’m not expecting one any more than I did with Dr. O. A part of me is a bit surprised Dr. O didn’t block me as well but by doing that she would have to acknowledge that she got my message. I can see where it’s probably more important to her to appear as if she didn’t even get it.

Sometimes I wish I could forget others as easily as they can forget me. Like Norah M, for example. Like she even remembers my name?

While I’ll always appreciate the help Palma gave me years ago, I realize I wouldn’t want to be her friend. As in a friend I saw in person. I get the impression we’re too different. I know we had some common ground and I’m sure we still do, but the last thing I would want would be to sit and discuss kids and God or something like that. Sorry, but just not my cup of tea. Her oldest kid is in her late 20s and is a nurse practitioner. The other two girls and the boy seem to range from age 6-7 to about 14-15.

Anyway, she looks a lot like she did when I last saw her. Just a little older and a little heavier but definitely not obese.

I exchanged tweets and messages with Aly and Kim, and now I’m doing laundry. Thanks to being woken up and a little on the tired side I doubt I’ll have the energy for working out tonight. That’s why I try to push myself to do it when I have the energy. While the nights will always be quieter it will also always be harder to sleep during the daytime. They both have their pros and cons. I hate being up with all the distractions during the daytime but there’s something about being on nights that makes me lazy. I don’t seem to want to be as active physically.

Seriously though, if I had to be cursed with CRD did I also have to be cursed with being the lightest sleeper on earth? He can sleep through anything with no sound machines. Me? I blast sound machines and I still get woken up. It was the garbage and green waste trucks that did it. Driving less than 10 feet from the bedroom makes the whole room vibrate.

My new earrings, pink teardrop gems on silver chains, are the best yet! They look almost normal. Almost. So now I know what kind to get that will fall more evenly. The one on the bad ear is just slightly higher than the other one but not as noticeable as the other earrings. They’re quite a pincher, though. They pinch harder than the other ones, especially the good ear. I can’t see myself wearing them all day. Out to the store or out to an appointment, sure. But that’s about it.

Got my new red wine-colored Keurig today. My violet one was definitely having issues with the heating mechanism firing. It just wouldn’t always fire up and I would have to restart it. It can be put away as a backup since it still works at times. My new one is less technical so hopefully, it will last longer than two years.

I wasted 23 minutes on the phone on hold waiting for Dr. S’s nurse to tell me what I already knew. A message was left for me to call back a couple of days ago. What’s the point of having the online portal if they’re just going to call you anyway?

Not sure why, but I have a headache now. Could be due to lack of sleep or from wearing my hair up for too long.

Last night I dreamed that Tom and I were getting blood drawn only it wasn’t by someone drawing it from our arms. Instead, Tom took two syringes and extracted our “blood” from something attached to the wall.

Then I dreamed I was finishing packing and leaving to go on vacation for a week. Tom was with me as I was leaving what looked more like a room or an apartment in a building than a house. I slipped off a rocker switch and said something like, “Bye room.”

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