Monday, January 29, 2018

What a night it’s been. Our attempt to go out and eat was a real bust. I cannot believe how many people are out and about on Monday at midnight, big city or not. But we went to the IHOP and were told we had a 15-minute wait just to be seated.

So we took off and decided to go for some fast food. Of all the places that were still open, KFC wasn’t one of them, so we went to Jack-in-the-Box’s drive-thru. But there too, was a small mob of sorts with several cars in a line that didn’t seem to be moving much.

So then we decided to stop at Applebee’s. Sure enough, the place was closing. So we decided to say fuck it and go home. He offered to stop at Walgreens but I knew it would be crowded there too, I didn’t have anything in mind I wanted or needed, and I didn’t want to be tempted to get junk food.

So we came home and I made us the cheddar potato bake we got from Walmart that you just throw in the microwave.

On the way back the pigs were next to us and the fuckers changed lanes without even signaling. I’m surprised they didn’t go through a red light, too. But what bothered me more than these law-breaking lawmen was the fact that Tom seemed annoyed by my complaining about them. Almost as if to say, “How dare you bitch about them despite what they did to you in Arizona!”

The defending of others and lack of defense on my behalf from him really bothers me at times. You know, like when someone’s sister starts almost sounding like she’s defending her beloved ex. The one she never stopped loving. Seriously, I don’t think she ever fell out of love with him. I think she just realized she loved Mark more. She would never have left Bill had she not met someone else. Tammy’s never lived without a man and she never will unless Mark dies first.


My stomach pain is sometimes nonexistent and other times it’s just barely noticeable. It’s still in that small concentrated little spot right under the ribs and a few inches away from the center of my stomach.

Skipped my meds yesterday and today I feel better than I felt yesterday and yesterday I felt better than I felt the day before. However, I’m still not as calm as I could be and I hope it’s nothing to worry about. Again, until I’ve gone a whole year without bleeding, I can’t say how much of it is on my meds.

Thanks to the traffic, I was woken up for the third time this month. So that’s two pill skips and three wake-up calls with another wake-up call coming Friday when they pick up the trash.

Tom thinks one of the reasons I can’t adapt to sleeping with background noise that isn’t consistent (and believe it or not, the louder traffic isn’t regular enough to be a consistent pattern) is because he grew up having to sleep with a lot more background noise than I did. He’s got a definite point there. Sometimes I still wonder if part of it is compensation for not having to get up to an alarm five days a week and not having kids waking me up either.

Nothing from Stacey or Palma. Unless it didn’t go through, I don’t see why Stacey wouldn’t at least read my message even if I don’t hear from her. Another few weeks and I’m going to be convinced that Palma has indeed stopped posting publicly because no one’s that busy.

Been slacking off on my story and I need to get back to it as well as editing my next book. I’m just tired tonight. I’m slacking off on exercising too, although this doll has given me a bit of a workout! I should at least do my core and do some back flies and ab crunches tonight. Been doing quick random sprints and yes, I’ve lost a couple of pounds, but it’s not like even I can’t lose at least a couple. It’s probably just water, though. Rather than focus on calories, I’m trying to focus more on spacing out when I eat as well as ingredients.

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