Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Unfortunately, this is the third day that I’ve had that cramp-like feeling in my upper right gut. I’m starting to suspect there could be a connection to my gallbladder, but I’m not worried at this point because according to what I read, gallstones are common. Gallbladder cancer is not, however.

I think it will back off on its own. I sure hope so as I’ve had enough of the medical drama these last 3 years! Now that I’ve been healthy again for over half a year I want to stay that way for a very long time.

I read that it’s more common with women (figures) and that it has to do with these deposits that harden and build up which can sometimes lead to infection. I don’t have any fever or chills, though I still get cold easily. I’ve always been sensitive to cold.

It describes the pain as “severe” but I would call it more like annoying. I also don’t have any back pain which it says you can get along with it. You can feel it more when you take a deep breath and it does seem to intensify the cramp a bit but once I release the breath of air it goes back to being just annoying. It also said it can come and go, sometimes lasting a few hours to a few days. It can become worse after a heavy meal, especially if it’s a greasy one.

Last night I dreamed that Virginia seemed to be angry at me every time we would cross paths and I suspected it may have been because of something I said about her to someone else living in the park.

Then I had a dream that I may have been in some kind of psych ward, though it seemed like I was able to leave at my own will because I was trying to remember Tom’s number so I could call him to have him pick me up.

I mentioned to a large black woman who worked there that I had a disease that affected my memory and I had forgotten both my phone number and his. Then they gave me something that they said would “help make me feel better.” Next thing I know I’m falling asleep and waking up in a pitch-black room at 2 in the morning. I was the only one in the tiny windowless room with its door slightly ajar. Realizing that they gave me something that knocked me out, I got up and decided to go look for my phone, hoping that Tom’s number would be stored in it. I don’t know why my dream self didn’t think of this before but when I exited the room, the hallway was just as dark and I couldn’t see a thing. I then realized that it would only be a matter of hours before he would be there to get me anyway.

I checked the FedEx tracking number they gave me but the doll still isn’t in their system yet. We’re guessing they won’t post any useful information until she’s actually on the plane. I’m thinking it might not even be until she’s in the US. I just hope that we have enough warning so that Tom can know what day to take off from work.

Still texting with Aly who has been staying with her nanny family. I forget that she sometimes does that. Again she contradicted herself. A long time ago she said that obesity didn’t run in her family but this time she said it did even though her parents weren’t that big. She says she’s 120 pounds. Yeah, but she’s only 36. Another 5-10 years and she’ll probably be 30 pounds heavier and unable to lose a single pound.

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