Monday, November 9, 2020

Christiane surprised me with a message. She shared a video shot in her hometown of Leipzig showing people’s response to Biden being elected. It isn’t just the US that’s relieved to be done with Trump. She didn’t say why but she hates Angela Merkel, saying she’s like a cancer.

We exchanged a few pictures of each other. She looks great for 65! Even so, in my personal opinion, I think that’s a bit old for bikinis. Even if you stay thin, you start sagging and rolling, but to each their own. I’d rather keep my shit packed into a one-piece, but I do have some two-pieces.

I mentioned turning 55 on the 4th and would be willing to bet just about anything that I won’t be hearing from her then with any birthday wishes. I’ll still send her some pictures of Florida when we get settled.

Fitbit’s been fucked up in that it’s not logging Active minutes. It’s tracking Zone minutes and thinks I climb floors at times, but I don’t see any active minutes these last few days. Oh well. Steps are what’s most important to me.

Fitbit says I burned 1812 calories yesterday, but I don’t think that’s right. In my case, I’d say it’s closer to 1500. You usually need a 500-calorie deficit to lose weight and 1500 would make sense knowing that I usually have to go down to 1000 to lose. I look healthy, I feel good, so I’m still okay with staying right where I’m at.

Fitbit also tells Tom he should have lost more by now but at least he is losing. I’m glad too, as he’s at a potentially dangerous weight. Mine’s nowhere close to dangerous or out of hand in any way. But we can’t enjoy retirement if one of us is dead, so it’s great to see him really get into those videos for seniors that he’s been doing and finds fun.

Maybe I can convince myself to follow along, LOL. I should. Especially around the time we move so I can have more energy, strength, and endurance. For now, I’m mostly a cardio girl who walks, jogs, and uses the Bowflex a few times a week. Not Bowflexing as much, though because my legs get enough of a workout when I’m walking, and I can work my arms with my Pilates ring while watching movies. It’s more important that I focus on my core, so I do backflies and work my abs to keep the backaches away or at least lessen them. I slip my feet under one of the bars and I’m able to alternate between crunches and sit-ups.

Another possibility we’ve been discussing is buying raw land, getting a cheap tiny little dumpy trailer and staying in that until we either buy something new or renovate anything that may be there that wasn’t livable to begin with.

I still have mixed emotions about land versus a park. Yes, I want to escape the annoyances of civilization and escape to the country. I want some breathing room around me and I don’t want to have to go to bed in the daytime worrying about what loud vehicle may wake me up. At the same time, I don’t want to feel too isolated and too cut off from the real world either. Especially with us getting older. As we get older and need to see doctors more often, we don’t want to have to be on the road forever to get to one even if we’ll have the time since he won’t be working and all that. If we went rural, though, we could still return to civilization when we really started getting up in age.

A park would be a little safer and definitely nicer looking despite the annoyances. The only kind of land we can afford is in central Florida and there aren’t as many palm trees which I love.

Another advantage of central Florida is that we would be safer from storms. Storms may be cool, but we don’t want to be evacuated all the time either.

All I can say is that if I have to put up with daytime noise wherever we end up, I just want to take back the nights! I don’t want to be listening to fucking planes and helicopters at midnight and I don’t want to have to go to bed wondering if someone’s going to wake me up. Those are the biggest things right there. I need to be able to sleep.

I’m a little tired today but that’s no one’s fault but my own bladder. I woke up having to pee and couldn’t get back to sleep. Could have used another hour or so but I’m not debilitatingly tired either.

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