Thursday, November 19, 2020

My weight’s gone up a pound. Not sure I can get it back down. sighs I guess it’s just my time to make a jump and that no, I won’t stay in the 150s all my life. Not quite in the 160s yet but close.

1964 people died yesterday from the virus?! Damn! Haven’t seen it that high since last spring.

Not at all impressed with Twitter’s new “fleets” which are similar to Facebook’s stories. I would really prefer access to the voice tweet feature instead. That’s supposedly coming to Android next year, but I don’t believe anything until I see it.

Every month I would copy tweets to PB and Blogger but I’m going to stop doing that. That was basically for a quick reference and the main highlights of my life but if I want to look something up, it would actually be easier to look it up in my journal.

Yesterday I felt a touch of anxiety and I started to go through the usual routine of telling myself that if I took my meds and felt anxious tomorrow I would skip the next day but then I said, NO! I’m going to jump on it before I can get to that point and skip today. There’s no hoping it will magically get better on its own. The only way to bring it down is to lower the level in my bloodstream.

I’m feeling great so far today and did a half-hour video. This one really worked my arms! Still going to do some walking and work on my core, too. I do my abs on the Bowflex bench and backflies on the end of the couch that doesn’t have a back to it. Then I walk in 5-minute segments here and there.

I hear somebody whining for me now out in the living room. Hey, if I can’t have quiet neighbors/neighborhoods, why should I have quiet pets? LOL, but I do actually like the sound of guinea pigs. I’ll take a break for a minute so we can all share the last banana.

Okay, that’s two happy pigs and one happy rat. It’s good that I don’t eat a whole banana because then it can mess up my stomach.

Did my nails earlier not so much because they needed to be done but because I just wanted to do them. This time it’s black to navy with shades of blue in the shapes of overlapping triangles for accent nails.

I had a bunch of dreams last night. We were in a hotel in one of them and I’m wondering if it might have been Florida because we had a door or window cracked despite the humidity. It didn’t seem to bother me, though, and I commented to him that it was simply what I’d grown up with.

Then I was inspecting my teeth in a mirror and was worried they would be all yellow and that I misunderstood this thing that I bought where instead of whitening teeth it was supposed to change them to a different color. There had been other color options, but I grabbed the yellow one thinking it was for whitening.

There was also something wrong with one of my teeth and I resolved to address it with my ENT who I was referring to as Dr. Mitchell for some reason.

Then we were in the kitchen of this house where Tom was cooking up enough rice and beans to feed an army even though he doesn’t eat rice. Then he seemed to have some pain although I’m not sure where since he didn’t say anything. Instead, he just started poking various parts of his body as if trying to figure out what was wrong.

The last dream was the strangest. I was living with my very much alive parents and definitely pregnant although I didn’t have a partner. Not sure why I didn’t get an abortion since I didn’t want a child. For a second, I considered having it so I might have someone to look out for me when I got old but then decided it would best be given up for adoption. I decided I would inform my parents of my decision. I walked through the house and found them sitting outside on the patio. I told them I wanted to talk to them and that it was kind of “heavy duty.”

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