Sunday, November 22, 2020

Woke up tired today and found I had a sleep score of 87. Again, that may be good for most people but anything under 88 and I’m usually tired. I think I’ll take the day off from working out. I was going to go out walking this morning but with temperatures in the forties? No thanks.

Tom has been having trouble sleeping lately and he keeps waking up and he wonders if it’s because he’s been focused too much on his physical health by working out a lot but not working his brain hard enough. So he’s getting back into coding and things like that which requires a lot of thinking.

We picked out a light but neutral-colored peel-and-stick wallpaper for the hall closet. He sawed open part of the wall yesterday in preparation for today’s shower valve replacement. There’s a whole section of pipe that needs to be replaced.

I also grabbed a couple of sets of nail stickers while he was at it and he got himself a keyboard tray so he can shelve his keyboard under his desk when he wants to use the surface for writing or whatever.

One of the nails is by Maitys and comes in a rainbow of solid glitter colors, all of which I like. Even the orange is nice. Except for gold, silver, white and black which is fine, there are no boring earth tones. Mostly pink, purple, green, yellow, red and blue.

Both sets have 16 sets of nails and the second set is by Wokoto, another good brand. This one has mostly shades of yellow, green and purple. That one is arriving today.

The more we checked out self-adhesive wallpaper, the more we liked what we saw and the more I can’t wait to get into wherever we’re going to end up so I can have fun picking out different designs for different rooms. It’s not much cheaper than paint but it sure as hell is a lot more convenient and less messy. Actually, it may be considerably cheaper after you factor in paintbrushes, tape, and the usual supplies you need for painting. I think this would be a great way to do the walls much faster and easier and it would be great not to have to worry about getting paint on things.

The cool thing about this is that you can use it anywhere. You can line shelves with it, you can decorate light plates, furniture…whatever you want. I was thinking that our future house might look great if I picked out two designs per room and had one or two walls with one design and the rest with the other. I would just try to make sure they were designs that went well together, of course. The pink sequined wallpaper is going to be very tempting when the time comes!

We just wish we’d known about this stuff when we first moved in here because it’s ideal for paneling. When we pull the strips off to paint, we have to fill in the gaps, but you wouldn’t need to do that with this stuff. I wouldn’t just like it for the rooms but also for brightening up the dark paneling in the closets which would make the stuff stand out better. I hate dark closets.

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