Tuesday, November 24, 2020

I’m so glad I discovered the joy of cooking and how fun it can be, and healthy too, even if I miss things I shouldn’t have at times like potatoes and rice.

Yesterday I had salmon and a mix of veggies (zucchini, peppers, mushrooms) for my first meal, and for my second meal, I had cod with sauteed spinach and diced onion.

My diet is seriously lacking in fiber, so Fitbit is telling me, so I added some beans to the grocery list. I can’t stick to not going over 20 carbs because then I really limit myself from foods my body needs. Beans are still better than potatoes, rice, bread and pasta. If I have between 100 and 150 carbs a day, that’s not too bad.

Tom has always been one who rarely gets hungry but gets cravings instead. However, he said he’s noticed more hunger ever since his blood sugar dipped really low.

I don’t know why my Google Docs aren’t updating to the latest version on my phone, so I guess I’ll have to draft this entry up on my desktop and put up with their fucked up speech to text. Oh, it works great other than taking it upon itself to censor my swears but I hate how it deactivates the document when it stops. I wish it would keep running until I stop it.

I really appreciate the virtual hug from Aly since I discovered Fuzzy has a tumor yesterday. Yeah, my little ratty only has a few months left if even that. I suspected it a couple of days ago but wasn’t sure. It’s on the back of his neck. It’s fast-growing and now very obvious. Very typical for a 2-year-old rat too, as sad as it is. His birthday is on the 27th and he’s at the end of his lifespan.

I also appreciate how she remembered I’m on statins now and asked how that’s going. It’s going great so far! Still think it’s not going to be enough, though. I think I’m going to need my dose doubled to 20 milligrams at some point.

Anyway, it’s cold and the planes are annoying as usual. I saw a headline about people flying for the holidays despite the warnings. And guess who’s got to listen to the defiance? Yeah, well, someday. Someday we’ll get away from this shit. It may not be quiet, but it will definitely be quieter when we’re out of a flight path and off a busy street. Damn, though. How I would love to live in Miami with its perfect weather year-round! But it’s too crowded, too expensive, and too diverse. Diversity is fine when I’m out in public, but I would prefer to live with my own kind.

I’m glad to know my furry little friend doesn’t appear to be suffering. Fortunately, they remain active until their final few days. I don’t expect him to live past April. :-(

We went to Rite-Aid yesterday where he grabbed some snacks and I grabbed some wine. Afterward, I went for a half-hour walk. It was chilly but nice. Of course, I ran into four different landscaping games going on along the way, and two planes flew overhead. No annoying mutts, though, and not as much traffic as I expected. I’m probably going to go out walking around the same time this morning.

At least on Thanksgiving, there shouldn’t be any projects or landscaping. Just a bunch of vehicle doors slamming.

It’s continued to be desert-dry here. Temps have been the same for a while now. It gets in the low sixties in the afternoon and the high thirties at night.

Going to be hitting the shower soon. It’s so wonderful to take a shower with decent water pressure and that functions the way it should! There was just a slight drip after his shower yesterday that he fixed easily enough before re-patching the wall where he cut it out. I guess today we’ll wallpaper the closet.

So I won NaNoWriMo but didn’t. Because I opted not to associate this project with a NaNo event so I could lower my word count, it didn’t recognize it as a win once I hit 10K words.

I’ve made amazing progress with this story and find it surprisingly fun to write, too. I’m not only turning reality into bullshit but I’m even twisting the reality. I’ve got a lot more work to do on it and it will probably end up being a much longer story than expected. At least 50K words. Although it is a story in the traditional sense, I’m kind of writing scenes that occur in no particular order, although mostly in order because it’s easier to tell the story that way, if that makes any sense.

I can’t believe the new house that was brought in is still sitting there, still waiting to be set up, still unoccupied. The neighbors must love it though.

I’ve got to watch those codes when I use the image hosting site I’ve been using for PB pics. The fuckers are embedding spam into it so there’s a link to various stores online that shouldn’t be there.

I switched out my email address on PB for a bogus one. I don’t know about LiveJournal but Blogger sends warnings if an unrecognized browser tries to log into my blog there, and I can monitor IP logins on MD. But if anyone out there happened to know my email address, they could hack my PB account without me knowing (unless they changed anything noticeable), but not anymore. Now, if they happen to have password-cracking software, it’s worthless to them unless they can figure out the fake email address.

There are other ways, though, like clicking on spyware, but as far as I know, I have nothing like that running on my PC.

What surprised me was that Aly said that if you know a person’s IP address you can hack in through that. If that’s true, wow! I didn’t know that. So much for thinking knowing an IP address was worthless other than to maybe find out where they are.

I realize she’s smart enough to have slipped me a link that would record all my keystrokes and login info to any account I use if she were that curious but if she has, she’s at least had the decency not to fuck with anything that I know of.

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