Wednesday, November 4, 2020

I was really hoping to wake up to find Biden declared a winner, but instead it all looks like one big confusing and conflicting event that may take weeks to tally up. Tom thinks Biden would have a much better chance if he hadn’t chosen Kamala Harris to be his running mate. I agree but not because of her color. Obama has proven that most of the country supports or at least accepts non-whites. I think it’s because she’s a woman and we live in a sexist country that is never going to change. Really, I can’t believe we still haven’t had a woman president. But at this rate, it seems unlikely we ever will. At least not in my lifetime.

I also still can’t believe anyone would ever vote for someone like Trump. I don’t know that he hates blacks or Hispanics, but I definitely believe he hates Muslims, women and gays. I wondered if he hates Jews, but Tom doesn’t think he does. Instead, he thinks his supporters think he does and that’s part of why they vote for him, because they hate them.

Well, there are certainly a hell of a lot more Jew-haters than black-haters. I think only Trump himself knows who he hates and who he doesn’t but why anyone would want to take away a woman’s right to have any control over her own body is beyond me. And why would anyone support someone with that kind of twisted agenda?

I always try to look on the bright side of negativity and if Trump wins, at least the borders should have stricter security for a while, and of course, he can’t be president forever. Also, it won’t be our rights that could personally be affected since Tom and I will never need an abortion or plan to marry the same sex, any more than Biden winning would necessarily help us in any way.

We got all excited to see they voted to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour in Florida just to find it doesn’t fully go into effect until 2026. He’ll be 69 years old then for fuck’s sake.

Right now my biggest concern is getting out of here when we plan than who’s going to be elected. I’m experienced enough to know that things rarely go our way and work out well for us. Things always take longer and just don’t end up happening the way we think or hope they will. It just seems so unfair that there are people who wish they could settle down and stay in the same place for more than a few months while we’ve been here for years and might have to really struggle to get out of here. If it was quiet and an even nicer house, we probably would have lost it with our luck, although the finances have been in our favor for several years now. So not everything doesn’t go our way.

I didn’t go out walking this morning. I’m too tired because I was up forever yesterday checking on election results as they were being updated. When I went out walking yesterday morning there were three planes in just the half-hour I was out. 2000 feet, 8000 feet, if I can hear you inside my house, you’re too fucking loud. It was so cold at just 51°. I was shivering inside my sweatshirt and hoodie. Today and tomorrow will be the last of our warm afternoons and then I guess that will be it.

We visited the “people in the hill,” as I refer to those in the cemetery since it’s on a hill. I figured why not take a walk among the dead just for the hell of it? It’s the youngest cemetery I’ve ever seen! Being from New England, many graves are hundreds of years old there. The graves are newer and are closer to the park. The freshest one I saw was in 2018. On the other side of the cemetery, I spotted a 1989 grave. There’s a mausoleum as well as an orchid where you can plant trees to remember loved ones and just about every mortuary service there is. There were some large tombstones and others were flat to the ground which I never saw in Massachusetts. They’re going to be adding another building but luckily it shouldn’t be close enough to the wall that we would hear all the construction.

Yesterday, I glanced out the window and saw long strips of wood strapped to the roof of a red SUV at the saw whore’s house. I thought, fuck no! Here we go again.

But barely a minute later I glanced out again and the vehicle was gone. They couldn’t have unloaded that fast so either saw cock was giving the wood to the red SUV or the SUV was simply visiting while it was on top of the roof.

I’ve officially dropped out of NaNo because I just can’t get into it. Nor can I get into updating my bio. I don’t want to go over the same shitty memories and experiences yet again. If I were going to do that much work, I would want to be paid for it.

Someone mentioned getting a food mill for someone for the holidays and I was like, what the hell is that? So I looked it up on Amazon and it looks like it might be a good thing to eventually get. That way I could make applesauce and tomato sauce for spaghetti and things like that.

Minnie picked up my reply yesterday but hasn’t contacted me again since. Don’t know what’s going on in her life and while it may be cool that someone thought to look me up, I don’t know if I’m really all that interested in her.

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