Thursday, November 12, 2020

Forgot to mention the other day that we got a bill for spraying my pre-cancerous spot which was $41. Tom was surprised it wasn’t over $100.

Made sauteed spinach for the first time and it came out great. I just fry baby spinach leaves in a pan with butter spray. Maybe next time I’ll add a hint of garlic salt.

We were discussing the pros and cons of rural versus a park and they definitely both have their fair share of ups and downs. We agree it would be smart to start off in a park since it would be easier to sell if Florida didn’t work out for some reason and then I would have a park to compare this one to, even though they’re probably all pretty similar. He thinks there would be less likely to be motorcycles and power tools in lower-income parks, though, which does make sense. I think part of the reason there are so many projects here is that the people can afford to do them. And own motorcycles.

However, if we do spot a rural place that is too good to pass up, we’re going to try to get it. He found a great house with a screened-in pool but I don’t see how we’re going to be able to afford a 130K place on just his retirement alone. We could afford it once we got settled in but I don’t think anyone would accept us to begin with without additional income. I just don’t see us making any money with books or apps. Too much like winning the lottery. It’s frustrating because had the bastard above not seen fit to curse me with this kind of sleep disorder, maybe I could have worked too and doubled our retirement.

I just want people to stop waking me up like they did today! Tom was in his room which the trap door to the meter is right outside of and he assured me it wasn’t the meter reader because he can always feel the vibration of that. I both heard and felt a bang. He thinks it was likely someone going over the speed bump. Yeah, either that or next door slammed a car door too hard. Friday it will be garbage trucks waking me up.

Tom said there was a parade after I got up, and believe it or not I didn’t hear anything. I was probably near the air cleaner when they went honking by. I don’t get it, though. There used to be one parade a year here, then COVID comes along and now we’re having parades every other month?

I’m just worried that once again I’m chasing an impossible dream and that there’s no escaping this shit. I’m sure we could get further from the street but planes are becoming more and more of a problem everywhere and with Florida being such a popular vacation spot, there would be just as many there, maybe even more in some places.

We’re still going to get the sleep pod whether or not we end up soundproofing the rest of the place. If I could just get a little further from a flight path and into a park where there are no dogs or motorcycles, then the only annoyance would be from whatever carport runs alongside our place, along with whatever projects the park does.

I just want to be so excited that we can’t get there fast enough! However, I’m sure it will be with some trepidation instead. Some question as to whether or not next door will wake me up or if something else nearby might be a problem. But then if I absolutely loved it, I’d just worry we’d lose it.

At least they don’t read water meters there since they don’t charge you for it because Florida isn’t in a drought like we are.

Here’s another weird thing about Aly, who received and really likes the jewelry I made for her and says she has something she’s sending me in time for my birthday (aw, how sweet of her even though she doesn’t have to). Well, it’s almost like she’s afraid to reply to my emails. I told her that rather than waiting and copying and pasting any errors she finds in a Skype message to me, especially since the longer she waits, the less likely she is to remember them, simply reply to the email and that way I know exactly which entry it is. Then she told me it never would have occurred to her to reply directly to the email and that kind of surprised me. It would only seem natural that this would be the easiest thing to do while it was fresh on your mind, wouldn’t it? She just seems way too smart not to have thought of that one but I don’t know. Maybe there’s some other reason she doesn’t want to email me although I can’t imagine what it could possibly be.

It was nice and quiet last night but tonight I can hear the freeway which means I’m going to hear some planes tonight as well.

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